
KATTERJOHN: Leaders in education primed for success

There’s reason to believe serious progress is coming, due to the people in leadership positions for the state in three key
areas: the Department of Education, the Commission for Higher Education and Ivy Tech Community College.

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Law grants teachers immunity from civil suits

Educators widely support a new state law that gives teachers immunity from civil lawsuits for trying to discipline students.
But opponents of corporal punishment are giving it a frosty reception, fearing Indiana students could be subjected to more
paddling without legal recourse.

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IU to offer degree in fund raising

Most fund-raisers stumble into the profession, but within a decade the field could be populated by recent college graduates
who hold degrees in philanthropic studies.The Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University soon will roll out a bachelor’s
degree that would be among the first of its kind. If all goes as planned, IUPUI would begin marketing the degree, granted
by the School of Liberal Arts, for the fall of 2010.

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Pay for diplomas is smart incentive

Incentives have long been used as an effective tool in business to improve employee performance. But can a concept that helps
companies motivate workers also work in public education?

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Insurers not attracting young people

Two-thirds of college-age Americans say health insurance is as important as salary when looking at jobs. Yet just as many have made no plans to obtain health insurance once they graduate from school this month.

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NEA takeover humbles once-mighty ISTA

The National Education Association said today that it is taking over its Indiana affiliate, a stunning comeuppance for what
long had been one of the most powerful union forces in the state.

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Business school outgrows Indiana

With enrollment surging in vocational schools around the country, Indiana Business College has launched an expansion into
Ohio and likely into other states as well. The Indianapolis-based for-profit school also is changing its name.

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Youth program may promote sense of purpose

Though I’m an economist, and not much skilled at matters of the heart, it seems to me there’s something amiss in today’s national psyche. There’s no real sense of purpose or unity. For those of us old enough to have had very close relatives who lived through the Great Depression, today just feels different from […]

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