
WNDY to broadcast 13 Butler games

Local TV station WNDY Channel 23 announced Friday that it will broadcast 13 Butler University men’s basketball games this
season, starting with the Bulldogs’ Nov. 21 game at the University of Evansville.

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IU professor wins Nobel economics prize

IU professor Elinor Ostrom won the Nobel economics prize on Monday for her analyses of economic governance, becoming the first woman to win the prize since it was founded in 1968.

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ROOB: Math proficiency a must for work force

The recent slump in the domestic auto industry reminds us of the importance of innovation and creating something that will
be attractive to the consumer tomorrow. Companies that don’t foresee and adapt to the changing needs of their consumers
ultimately fail.

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Steady as he goes at Purdue’s Krannert School

As Rick Cosier’s tenure as dean of Purdue University’s MBA program nears an end, expect the program to continue turning
out top "Quant Jock" operations managers–people who relentlessly figure out how to manufacture
things better and cheaper.

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