
IU: Indiana economy turned in March

The Indiana economy turned up in March, but the recovery has been slow and dogged. That’s the picture painted by a new
monthly index unveiled Wednesday by the Indiana Business Research Center within the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University.

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Events to teach personal finance, money management

Hundreds of free events to educate consumers on personal finance and money management will occur around Indiana the week of
Oct. 10-17 as part of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago’s annual Indiana Money Smart Week.

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Indiana wants to trim cost of educating inmates

Indiana’s efforts to cut the cost of educating prison inmates could increase competition among the state’s colleges, with
Ivy Tech leading the way. The State Student Assistance Commission is considering capping the amount it spends on state prison
inmates at $120 per credit hour, prompting colleges already facing strapped budgets to worry about keeping their contracts
with the Department of Correction.

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DOE taking comments on teacher licensing proposals

The state Department of Education has scheduled three public hearings on a contentious proposal to revamp Indiana’s teacher
licensing requirements. State schools Superintendent Tony Bennett wants to eliminate some requirements, saying teachers spend
too much time learning teaching methods and not enough on subject matter.

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Health reform could swamp doctors

Health reform that would cover millions of uninsured Americans would theoretically send a flood of new
patients to physicians. Yet in Indiana and nationwide, there’s already a shortage of doctors.

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IUPUI researchers land $22M in stimulus grants

Researchers at IUPUI have been awarded more than $22.3 million in grants by the National Institutes of Health, according to
U.S. Rep. Andre Carson. The money is part of a $5 billion program that was part of the federal stimulus bill approved earlier
this year, and will fund medical research across the country.

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Lawmakers hear arguments on school start dates

Having a uniform starting date for schools in late August or early September would save schools money and give families
and kids more prime vacation time, several parents told an interim legislative committee Wednesday.

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Dow Agro to become Purdue research tenant

Officials of Purdue University and Dow AgroSciences unveiled a collaboration Wednesday in which the Indianapolis-based company
will become one of the largest tenants at the Purdue Research Park in West Lafayette.

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NFL helps spruce up high school’s football field

The George Washington Community High School football team played its season opener at a newly renovated field and stadium,
thanks to a joint effort of the National Football League, the Indianapolis Colts and Local Initiatives Support Corp.

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Fred Glass takes center stage in IU football’s ad campaign

Athletics Director Fred Glass isn’t just calling an audible, he’s changing the advertising
playbook in Bloomington. Glass, along with his new senior assistant athletics director for marketing, Patrick
Kraft, are upping the ante this football season, with a 67-percent boost in television advertising and 20-percent boost in
the total media buy.

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NCAA’s CFO named interim president

James L. Isch, the NCAA’s long-time chief financial officer, has been named interim president of the association, replacing
Myles Brand, who died last week of pancreatic cancer.

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