IPS support staff, administrators get raises of 3 percent or more
Indianapolis Public Schools is giving raises to about 1,700 employees, less than three months after voters approved an increase in property taxes to boost school funding.
Indianapolis Public Schools is giving raises to about 1,700 employees, less than three months after voters approved an increase in property taxes to boost school funding.
The IPS board on Thursday unanimously voted against two bids for the district’s downtown headquarters because they didn’t come close to the $7 million the district had hoped to receive for the property.
Researchers, led by Purdue chemistry professor Herman O. Sintim, are developing a series of drug compounds they say have shown promise in treating acute myeloid leukemia.
Indiana is so far behind neighboring states in teacher compensation that it would cost an estimated $658 million to make salaries more competitive, according to a new report released Tuesday.
Indianapolis Public Schools staffers are expected to ask the board this week to reject two proposals to buy the district’s downtown headquarters, after the offers came in well below expectations.
Sen. Dennis Kruse, R- Auburn, said he authored the bill to ensure high school students would better understand their government and country.
After nearly four years away from Indiana, local tech luminary Scott Jones has returned to central Indiana. And he’s returned with gusto, supercharging Eleven Fifty Academy and helping advance a life-sciences company he says can “transform medicine on multiple fronts.”
In 2018, Holcomb boldly outlined specific goals, One year later, he has exceeded some targets, but hasn’t met other goals.
Fewer than half of Indianapolis Public Schools teachers are members of the Indianapolis Education Association, and some wonder if there is any point in paying dues to join a weakened union that seems to offer them very little.
Similar measures that would have given the school representatives a voting position on redevelopment commissions have failed in the previous sessions.
Joseph Muhler and William Nebergall will be inducted May 2 in Washington, D.C., along with 17 other inventors and innovators.
In the first major look at the results for innovation schools in IPS—a new kind of district-charter partnership—there are some positive signs but still some unanswered questions.
House Bill 1172, authored by Rep. Bob Behning, R-Indianapolis, outlines new rules to better assess and guide the educators, parents and students engaged in virtual school.
Indiana’s governor would begin appointing the state schools superintendent in 2021 instead of 2025, under a proposal endorsed Wednesday by the House Education Committee. Voters traditionally have elected the superintendent.
New proposals stem from recommendations made by education officials, including potential solutions to low test scores and graduation rates, a lack of student and parent participation, and the need to improve their oversight.
On Tuesday night, Holcomb said in his State of the State speech that the state will use $150 million from its surplus to pay off a teacher pension liability that schools have been gradually paying down.
The Center for Research on Inclusion & Social Policy is in the process of developing several projects, including a study of international migration to Indiana, evictions in Indiana counties and the impact of race on homeownership, based on a recent report by the Brookings Institution.
The Mind Trust CEO Brandon Brown sat down with host Mason King to explain the group’s mission, its cooperation with Indianapolis Public Schools and how the new funding will help it ramp up its work.
The Indy Eleven has expressed interest in the former Broad Ripple High School site as a potential location for its proposed stadium development, but the team tapped the brakes on that possibility Friday, noting it is continuing to evaluate multiple options.
The board hopes to announce a formal process for selecting a superintendent next week. Ideally, it would like to conclude the search around March without using an outside firm.