
Vaunted program hits turbulence

Ball State Universityâ??s entrepreneurship program has long been considered one of the stateâ??s crown jewels in
business academics.

Former funeral director Don Kuratko started the program before entrepreneurship was cool and pushed it to
national prominence. Real-world business types like the…

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Is college for everyone?

Parents and teachers for more than a generation have steered students toward college and white-collar work,
and few states need the graduates more than Indiana, which has one of the lowest levels of college attainment
in the country.

Lost in the…

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Back to school in hard times

Colleges and universities tend to see enrollment boom when the economy goes south, and this down cycle appears
to be little different.

Indiana University, Ivy Tech Community College and the University of Indianapolis all have announced in recent
weeks that enrollments…

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Match your wits with an Indian child

Bob Compton has taken a few arrows in the back since he began screening the film he funded, â??2 Million
Minutes,â?? last fall.

Compton, who was a venture capitalist at CID Equity Partners before striking out on his own to bankroll…

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Depending on a three-legged stool

Economic development experts have long contended that business investment and good jobs gravitate to places
where business, government and higher education are on the ball and get along together.

If one of the three legs doesnâ??t carry its weight, the other…

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The sum of IU and Purdue

It wasnâ??t so long ago that the thought of Indiana and Purdue universitiesâ?? doing anything of consequence
together was a nonstarter.

Then they began working on economic development together, and later life science projects.

But the person who dreamed up Indianaâ??s first…

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Judge this elevator speech

Results are in for Purdue Universityâ??s second annual Elevator Pitch Competition, and a transcript of the winning
pitch for the graduate-level division is below.

Bob Caswell spit this out in less than two minutes, less time than the ride to the…

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Ticket to the middle class

Forget outsourcing. A Michigan research group says the larger problem for manufacturing will be finding enough
domestic workers to navigate the complexities of modern factory floors.

The Center for Automotive Research in Ann Arbor contends in a recent report that while…

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University foundations and tuition

College and university foundations have been raking in the dollars in the past few years due to big investment
returns. Millions of dollars have flowed in.

As IBJ reporter Tracy Donhardt wrote in this weekendâ??s paper, critics say more of…

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IUPUI and IU business degrees

The undergraduate business program at IUPUI used to let in just about anyone. At one point, only the bottom
10 percent of a high school graduating class was steered to Ivy Tech or elsewhere.

Got a business degree from IUPUI? It…

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Stressed college grads

A new poll shows college grads are worried about finding jobs â?? no surprise there, considering the sorry
state of the economy.

But the poll, taken by Edison Media Research, also shows a third of them fretting about their…

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