
Zyprexa era comes to an end for Lilly

On Oct. 24, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the first generic versions of Eli Lilly and Co.’s best-seller, ending 15 years of highly lucrative sales.

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FDA approves first generic versions of Zyprexa

Federal health officials on Monday approved the first generic versions of the blockbuster drug Zyprexa, which posted sales of $5.7 billion last year for Indianapolis-based drugmaker Eli Lilly and Co Inc.

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Lilly gets dinged for job cuts

Eli Lilly and Co. got called out in a recent report on companies that took advantage of the 2004 tax holiday on foreign profits and have since slashed jobs.

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FDA approves Cialis for enlarged prostate

Cialis, Lilly’s blockbuster erectile dysfunction drug, now can be taken to treat enlarged prostate. FDA approval means men who suffer from both disorders can take one medication.

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FDA gets new report on Lilly diabetes drug

Drugmakers Eli Lilly and Co. and Amylin Pharmaceuticals Inc. said Monday that patients taking their potential once-weekly diabetes treatment, Bydureon, saw a significant improvement in cardiovascular risk factors.

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