

Joe Guzman is a co-founder of Indianapolis-based Ascend USA, the new trade adopted after Guzman merged his
benefits brokerage, Benefits Strategies Inc., with benefits business Steven Goodin. The eight-person firm expects to hire
as many 15 new employees in the next year. Those workers will help Ascend diversify from health benefits into brokering commercial
insurance products.

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Wintry weather testing work snow-day policies

Coping with wintery blasts is made easier by advancements in work-from-home technology. But different kinds of companies have
different policies when it comes to giving employees the option to telecommute or blow off the workday altogether.

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Fewer firms reimbursing workers for tuition

As corporations continue to dig out from the worst recession in decades, tuition-reimbursement programs are a common
casualty. A survey estimates that 63 percent of companies will
offer undergraduate educational assistance this year compared to 67 percent in 2005.

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House passes health care bill on close vote

In a victory for President Barack Obama, the Democratic-controlled House narrowly passed landmark health care legislation
Saturday night to expand coverage to tens of millions who lack it and place tough new restrictions on the insurance industry. The 220-215 vote cleared the way for the Senate to begin a long-delayed debate
on the issue that has come to overshadow all others in Congress.

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Goodwill executive to lead national health care board

Goodwill Industries executive Keith Reissaus has been tapped to run Washington, D.C.-based Leapfrog Group, an industry coalition.
Reissaus gained control of health care costs by giving employees incentives to care about their health.

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Baucus health reform bill draws fire in Indiana, too

The health insurance industry’s sudden counterpunch to the Senate version of health reform echoed in Indiana and
opened a key issue for the rest of the debate: Will covering half of the country’s uninsured mean raising premiums for
the 85 percent of Americans who already have insurance?

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Rolls-Royce and health care reform

Rolls-Royce, the British jet engine maker, isn’t taking a position on health care reform, but let’s drag them into it, anyway,
because Rolls-Royce’s business model might interest the crowd advocating for reform via market forces.

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My Health Care Manager looks to grow fast

Indianapolis-based startup My Health Care Manager has signed an agreement with Indianapolis-based
WellPoint Inc. that will eventually put My Health Care Manager’s elder care service in front of the health insurer’s
thousands of employer clients and their workers around the country.

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