
Goodwill executive to lead national health care board

Goodwill Industries executive Keith Reissaus has been tapped to run Washington, D.C.-based Leapfrog Group, an industry coalition.
Reissaus gained control of health care costs by giving employees incentives to care about their health.

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Baucus health reform bill draws fire in Indiana, too

The health insurance industry’s sudden counterpunch to the Senate version of health reform echoed in Indiana and
opened a key issue for the rest of the debate: Will covering half of the country’s uninsured mean raising premiums for
the 85 percent of Americans who already have insurance?

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Rolls-Royce and health care reform

Rolls-Royce, the British jet engine maker, isn’t taking a position on health care reform, but let’s drag them into it, anyway,
because Rolls-Royce’s business model might interest the crowd advocating for reform via market forces.

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My Health Care Manager looks to grow fast

Indianapolis-based startup My Health Care Manager has signed an agreement with Indianapolis-based
WellPoint Inc. that will eventually put My Health Care Manager’s elder care service in front of the health insurer’s
thousands of employer clients and their workers around the country.

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HICKS: Health care experts make poor economists

In almost every place that two or more Americans gather, health care is debated. Because the bills before Congress are
inaccessible, the debate has shifted instead to principles such as the role of government and individual freedoms. I think this a healthy thing.

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Indianapolis benefits firms merge

Two Indianapolis benefits consulting firms have finalized their merger, the companies announced this morning. Terms of the
deal between Benefit Associates Inc. and Benefit Consultants Inc., in the works since March, were not disclosed.

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Janitors want Lilly, WellPoint to push for better health benefits

Service Employees International Union Local 3 is backing local janitors as they restart contract negotiations April 16 with
five of the largest janitorial contractors in Indianapolis. SEIU now is taking direct aim at Lilly, health insurer WellPoint
Inc. and even some local hospitals, hoping they will pressure the janitorial contractors to come to terms.

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