
Endowment assets soar $1.2B as Lilly shares climb

Lilly Endowment awarded $230 million in 2012, mostly to Indiana groups. Its fortunes still are largely tied to the value of Eli Lilly and Co. stock, despite an effort to diversify the private foundation’s holdings.

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Symphony donors question giving amid contract dispute

The ailing Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra intends to step up annual donations 40 percent. But many longtime donors feel conflicted about future contributions as they await word on whether the ISO will scale back to part time.

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Endowment’s resurgence emboldens IMA’s leaders

After three years of shrinking budgets, Indianapolis Museum of Art leaders are ready to leave the lean times behind. The IMA’s endowment, which has covered close to 70 percent of operating expenses, is on the rebound and reached $324 million at the end of last year.

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Symphony challenges complicate CEO search

Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra trustees are seeking a new leader who can help reverse three consecutive years of seven-figure budget deficits, raise $100 million to replenish its endowment and motivate staff working for reduced pay.

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Arts endowments bouncing back

The stock market’s recovery has lifted endowments that provide major support to local arts groups, but managers are keeping the conservative attitude they were forced to adopt two years ago.

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