
Region’s expertise in hybrid cars goes beyond high-profile players

Bright Automotive and EnerDel are well known for their development of components for hybrid cars, but the region has several
other players poised to be big players in the sector. In fact, few realize that North America’s largest producer
of electric motors for hybrid vehicles is based northeast of Indianapolis, in Pendleton.

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EPA proposes $1.1M settlement with Vertellus

Chemical-maker Vertellus Specialties Inc. will spend up to $1.1 million and change air-emission monitoring practices at its
plant on the southwest side of Indianapolis under a proposed settlement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

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Dow Agrosciences introduces genetically modified corn seed

Even after a string of acquisitions, Dow AgroSciences is a bit player in the seed business. But the new genetically
modified corn it developed with St. Louis-based giant Monsanto Co. finally provides the breakthrough product that could grow
its seed sales substantially.

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Utilities favor federal carbon dioxide permit-trading plan

Resigned to inevitable government curbs on their carbon dioxide emissions, about
all Indiana utilities could do was say which poison they’d prefer to swallow. They’re closer to
getting their favorite poison, with the U.S. House passage June 26 of a bill that would create a market
for trading carbon dioxide permits.

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Let there be LED light

Westfield-based Green Illuminating Systems sees a bright future in LED lighting as a way to reduce electricity consumption.

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