Green BEAN Delivery’s vertical integration fueling growth
The company, which recently opened a $3.8 million warehouse/headquarters near the Interstate 70/Emerson Avenue exchange, has about 200 employees now but might have 500 within a few years.
The company, which recently opened a $3.8 million warehouse/headquarters near the Interstate 70/Emerson Avenue exchange, has about 200 employees now but might have 500 within a few years.
Average prices for Grade A large eggs delivered to the store in the Midwest hit a range of $2.73 to $2.81 per dozen, the USDA said in the report released Wednesday.
Record summer rains have damaged roughly a quarter of Indiana's soybean and corn crops, an estimated $400 million loss.
The agency declared 53 counties as primary disaster areas Wednesday because of damages and losses that farmers have incurred. Farmers in 35 other Indiana counties contiguous to the 53 also are eligible for the loans.
The Purdue Land Value and Cash Rent Survey shows prices for the state’s top-quality farmland declined by 5.1 percent from 2014 to this year
Mike Pence joined a chorus of other Republican governors in vowing full-scale resistance, including outright defiance, of President Obama’s curbs on greenhouse-gas emissions from power plants.
Indiana environmental groups are applauding President Barack Obama's newly announced mandatory cuts in greenhouse gas emissions, but Indiana Gov. Mike Pence said doesn’t intend to comply with the proposal.
Gov. Mike Pence and Sen. Joe Donnelly are asking the U.S. agriculture secretary to declare 53 of Indiana's 92 counties disaster areas because of crop damage and losses caused by flooding and excessive rain.
The proposed $450 million reservoir near Anderson—created by damming the White River—should be reviewed by a state legislative committee, according to a lawmaker opposed to the project.
Indiana has more damage from excess moisture than any other agricultural state, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Purdue University estimates losses to the state’s corn and soybean crops at $300 million and $200 million, respectively.
The city of Indianapolis is partnering with the Toledo company to build the $1.2 million project in a retrofitted, southeast-side warehouse.
Sales at Dow AgroSciences LLC fell in the second quarter due to lower demand in the Americas and a stronger U.S. dollar. Dow’s profits, however, rose 8 percent due to cost-cutting and the sale of one product line.
Developers could save when they scale back the required number of parking spaces and instead offer bike racks, electric-car charging stations or other “green” amenities.
The prospects for Indiana's flood-ravaged grain crops recovering are becoming increasingly slim with more rain forecast over the next two weeks, according to Purdue Extension experts.
Thomas Easterly will retire Aug. 28 as the longest-serving commissioner for the Indiana Department of Environmental Management.
Noble Americas, a U.S. subsidiary of Hong Kong-based Noble Group, bought the plant two years ago after a previous owner went bankrupt and the plant had to close.
The federal agency’s latest report rates 25 percent of Indiana corn as being “very poor” or “poor.” The report says 26 percent of Indiana soybeans are in similar conditions.
Indiana officials who imposed a statewide ban on bird shows have dialed back the emergency rule, but the ban will still keep chickens, ducks and other birds out of August’s Indiana State Fair.
As much as six times the normal amount of rain fell from Missouri to Ohio in the past 30 days. Illinois, Indiana and Ohio had their wettest June ever.
With only moderate fanfare, contractors recently finished boring the first, roughly nine-mile leg of the DigIndy project, the largest public works project in the state.