
Lawmakers vote to put Energizing Indiana program on hold

A bill that would sideline the state’s energy-efficiency program was sent to the governor Monday, but Indiana lawmakers are still mulling bills that would relax gun regulations in school parking lots and make some welfare recipients undergo drug-testing.

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Hamilton County planning to test CNG-fueled vehicles

Hamilton County commissioners aren’t just working on a plan to install rooftop solar panels on some public buildings. They’re also looking to take their energy-savings efforts on the road, with vehicles that run on compressed natural gas.

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U.S. House backs bill to block EPA power plant rule

The Republican-controlled U.S. House moved Thursday to block President Barack Obama's plan to limit carbon emissions from new power plants, an election-year strike at the White House aimed at portraying Obama as a job killer.

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Indiana House OKs bill to end efficiency program

The bill's author, Sen. Jim Merritt, R-Indianapolis, said he's going to take the next few days to review the House's changes before determining whether to ask the Senate to approve it or send the bill to a conference committee to restore its original wording.

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Indiana House amends bill to end efficiency program

TThe House voted 66-30 to amend the bill with language that prohibits the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission from extending or entering into contracts for Energizing Indiana’s statewide energy efficiency program after Dec. 31

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