Indiana in natural gas dilemma
‘Fracking’ has made natural gas cheap and abundant, but prices could rise with demand, costing consumers.
‘Fracking’ has made natural gas cheap and abundant, but prices could rise with demand, costing consumers.
The days of lone-wolf researchers shouting ‘Eureka’ are over.
Despite ongoing research, the energy form is still not economical in many cases.
The consequences from the ethanol era are so severe that environmentalists and many scientists have now rejected corn-based ethanol as bad environmental policy. But the Obama administration stands by it, highlighting its economic benefits to the farming industry.
Federal officials and advocacy groups believe the project is making significant progress on pollution cleanup and other problems, but they’re short on yardsticks for confirming their impressions.
The proposed 4,000-solar panel solar park would cover eight acres in Frankton, about 35 miles northeast of Indianapolis and be surrounded by a fence.
Members of Indiana's coal industry and business community are heading to Chicago this week to fight against new limits on coal-fired plants they say would cost hundreds of jobs across the state.
The North Carolina Court of Appeals is being asked to decide whether the deal that made Charlotte-based Duke Energy Corp. the country's largest electric company should be revised to do more for consumers.
A Muncie group that opposes a proposal to build a new reservoir in central Indiana says the project raises health concerns, including waste from former auto industry plants that might contaminate the reservoir.
The Hoosier Environmental Council has targeted food safety, animal rights and the environmental impact the corporate livestock industry has in Indiana.
The commissioner of the Indiana Department of Environmental Management, Thomas Easterly, told lawmakers that the pending federal regulations will essentially rule out coal-fired power plants that currently generate much of the state’s electricity.
Despite a boost in third-quarter revenue due to crop-protection products, profit for the local unit of Dow Chemical tumbled more than 71 percent.
Kinetrex Energy in March will begin supplying liquefied natural gas to five of UPS’s fueling stations in Indiana, Illinois, Ohio and Missouri.
The project's private developers are leasing the land from the airport and selling the electricity generated from the 44,000 panels to Indianapolis Power & Light Co.
Indiana is generally water-rich, but advocates of resource planning say the state runs the risk of supply crises that would hamper economic development.
Posey County's Board of Zoning Appeals on Thursday approved a permit for the project on 219 acres of farmland in an industrial area near Mount Vernon.
Indianapolis has become a more bike-friendly city, and city planners are looking to ensure the progress continues. The Metropolitan Development Commission will vote Oct. 16 on a bicycle master plan that lays out a host of educational and policy initiatives to encourage two-wheeled transportation.
Two of Indiana's largest natural gas utilities are projecting small increases in heating bills for this winter.
The suit, filed in January 2012 by South African-based Bayer CropScience SA, charged that Dow Agro’s Enlist E3 soybean seed infringed one of its patents.
The credit rating service has stuck with a “stable” outlook for Citizens’ ability to repay its debts. But an Oct. 3 report cites concerns across all the operations at the Indianapolis-based utility.