State tourism destinations hope shutdown is short
The shutdown has closed or limited access to Indiana’s federal forests and parkland, including the 13,000-acre Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore.
The shutdown has closed or limited access to Indiana’s federal forests and parkland, including the 13,000-acre Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore.
Eco Lighting Solutions in Fishers designs and sells induction lighting, which costs less to install than LED and requires less energy than fluorescent. Induction lights work a lot like cheaper fluorescent ones, but don’t burn out as quickly.
The debate before the Economic Development Study Committee comes five months after House Speaker Brian Bosma killed a bill that would have made it a crime to secretly shoot photos or video on private property with the goal of harming a business.
Several officials of a central Indiana town where a $500 million power plant has been proposed say they were impressed with another of the company's plants during a trip to Texas.
New requirements could have a major impact in Indiana, which gets more than 90 percent of its electricity from coal plants and ranks sixth in the nation in coal production.
A former east-side shopping mall will soon be covered in solar panels, possibly the most transformative of property owner Alex Carroll’s various redevelopment efforts.
Federal prosecutors say Jeffrey Wilson did not initially know about a fraud scheme in Imperial Petroleum’s new subsidiary, E-Biofuels, but allowed the deception to continue once he did, costing investors tens of millions of dollars.
An environmental law judge has found that Indiana failed to fully assess the impact of coal waste runoff on local waterways when it issued a permit for a southwestern Indiana surface coal mine that’s the largest such mine east of the Mississippi River.
The country's largest electric company last week began notifying about 14,500 retirees of Duke Energy and predecessors or subsidiaries in North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky.
Federal prosecutors announced charges Wednesday related to an investigation of E-biofuels LLC in Henry County, alleged to be the largest instance of tax and securities fraud in state history.
Dozens of people packed a Morristown council meeting to speak out against an energy company's proposal to build a $500 million power plant.
A Purdue Extension corn specialist says the combination of dry weather and extreme heat during critical weeks for kernel-weight development is causing Indiana's once-thriving corn crop to decline.
The state will appeal a ruling that threw out four felony counts of official misconduct against Indiana's former top utility regulator, the attorney general's office said Monday.
Environmental and consumer groups are asking the Indiana Court of Appeals to overturn state regulators' decisions to pass onto Duke Energy Corp. ratepayers three-quarters of the costs of a new $3.5 billion coal-gasification plant.
IndyGo will use a $10 million federal grant to convert 22 city buses to all-electric power. Each bus will cost about $550,000 to convert and will have a range of about 100 miles.
Tesla Motors Inc. is eyeing space in the Fashion Mall at Keystone and is seeking a zoning variance to sell cars there and to install charging stations within the parking garage.
Residents in Morristown are rallying against a proposed $500 million power plant they fear will harm the quiet agricultural community.
Contract law dominated an Indiana Supreme Court hearing over an agreement requiring the state to buy synthetic natural gas from a private plant and resell it on the open market.
Two-thirds of Indiana’s top soil is listed as short or very short of moisture.
The Indiana Supreme Court will hear arguments Thursday on a lower court ruling invalidating part of a contract that would require the state to buy synthetic natural gas from a southwestern Indiana plant and resell it on the open market for 30 years.