
INpact Medical Device Network matches start-ups with service providers

Industry groups in the life sciences, medical and information technology realms have helped lure companies to the region
and foster upstarts. Funding is almost always an issue, but it’s not the only barrier. Getting medical
devices to market often requires product design, development and marketing resources that aren’t
always apparent to upstarts.

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Summer program turns teens into entrepreneurs

Eighteen students from Indianapolis’ Haughville neighborhood sold their wares— ranging from caps and sunglasses
to purses
to home-baked cookies—as part of a summer business-education program
for low-income youth.

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Tenants trickling in to Purdue’s technology center

For a city feverishly growing its technology and life sciences sectors, it seemed a bit anticlimactic last January when
Purdue University dedicated its new technology center with only one tenant. But the lone tenant in the $12.8
million complex, FlamencoNets, a high-tech telecommunications firm, is about to get some company.

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Candle company cooks up products with a ‘green’ twist

After working in retail management for four years, Rich and Jodi Scheve decided to take business into their own hands—and
their own garage. Passing on business plans for Subway and South Bend Chocolate Co. franchises, the couple
skirted heavy franchise fees and started Twisted Wick Candle Co.

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Seniors are nation’s fastest-growing group of entrepreneurs

For four decades, Jim Ashby worked as a manufacturing floor manager, first for General Motors Corp., then, after a buyout,
for an Ingersoll Rand subsidiary. He likes to relax and fish, but Ashby considers himself too energetic for retirement. He’s
now 67 years old. And a first-time entrepreneur.

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The latest fads in business names

Nobody familiar with the intricacies of naming a business thinks the process is easy. Not if the messages
words send to potential customers are grasped.

So itâ??s easy to understand why the Indianapolis area is filling up with companies one way…

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Innovation drought?

Beneath Americaâ??s financial woes lies a lack of innovation, a recent BusinessWeek article argues. A paucity
of breakthrough products could have triggered the nationâ??s borrowing binge and ultimately the financial meltdown,
it says.

Hereâ??s the logic: A decade ago,…

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Goldsmithâ??s latest venture

Former Indianapolis Mayor Steve Goldsmith, never one to let grass grow under his feet, has started a not-for-profit
with one-time presidential candidate Howard Dean to promote Goldsmithâ??s pet cause of public-private partnerships.

The Council of Project Finance Advisors aims…

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Recession has a domino effect on venture capital

Call it a trickle-down effect, but not the kind President Reagan would have liked. The recession has cost most institutional
investors, such as university endowments, about a quarter of their value. As a result, venture capitalists’ primary source
of funding has dried up. The implications for Hoosier entrepreneurship are stark.

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