
MICKEY MAURER Commentary: Looking back at 2004 and beyond

MICKEY MAURER Commentary Looking back at 2004 and beyond Every January, I like to reflect on some of the prior year’s topics. This year, I am especially nostalgic. You may be reading my last column. I have accepted a two-year hitch with the Daniels administration as president of the Indiana Economic Development Corp. and our editors at the Indianapolis Business Journal feel writing a column poses a conflict of interest with my new responsibilities. I agree. Last summer, I reviewed…

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BULLS & BEARS: Some New Year’s wisdom from uber-investor Buffett

With the new year and in a reflective mood, here is a collection of quotes I find convey useful investment wisdom. All the quotes, except the last by Peter Lynch, are extracted from the speeches or writings of Warren Buffett, some of which contain thoughts ascribed to his mentor Ben Graham. Enjoy. “I will tell you the secret of getting rich on Wall Street. You try to be greedy when others are fearful and you try to be very fearful…

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SUSAN WILLIAMS Commentary: Simon redesign is something to celebrate

SUSAN WILLIAMS Commentary Simon redesign is something to celebrate What a nice way to start 2005, with a new, improved design of the Simon headquarters. At the start of a new year, it seems appropriate to reflect. The chain of events that led to the redesign of this important building marks a turning point in the “coming of age” of our city and its approach to the built environment. Urban design and design criteria for our downtown have been topics…

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ECONOMIC ANALYSIS: Prices recover in 2004; expect same in 2005

A few weeks of big price changes, particularly on the up side, and the armchair economists seem to really come out of the woodwork. Oil prices peaked in October at levels 40-percent higher than in July, and so did rumblings about conspiracies, windfall profits and pricegouging. To hear some lunchroom conversations, as well as the saber-rattling of some attorneys general around the country, the only thing that keeps businesses of all kinds from fleecing the American public with unconscionable prices…

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