
Economic illnesses are like viruses

What kind of remedy should be applied to the economy? Surely we want something that will work quickly. But we also want something
that will help provide income in the future. That’s called investment.

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State needs more unemployment analysis, stats

How are the economic development professionals in each Indiana county supposed to do their jobs when they don’t get quality statistics like those provided to professional sports managers and coaches?

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Recession leads to a new vision

The Rev. Terminus Tufflov was preaching, although he and I were the only people in the sanctuary.
"These are hard times, my friend," he said. "The forces of darkness have gathered and are threatening my flock. These economic
woes are tests sent from on high to challenge our faith. We must prevail and we will prevail."

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Budget cuts threaten local economic data analysis

Budget cuts could eliminate programs that gather and analyze local and state economic data. This would hurt businesses and
economic development officials, since they would not have the data that helps them see how their market differs from the state
and the nation.

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