

Investors betting no on Anthem mega-deal

Lots of investors are betting health insurance giants Anthem Inc. and Cigna Corp. won’t ever make it to the altar—an outlook driven by concerns antitrust regulators or other obstacles will prevent consummating the $45 billion deal.

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pence AP photo

Pence: Indiana won’t accept Syrian refugees

Gov. Mike Pence's move, announced in the wake of Friday's terrorist attacks in Paris, won applause from fellow Indiana Republicans, but criticism from a legal scholar who said he might be overstepping his authority.

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Federal review faults state safety agency for understaffing

The U.S. Department of Labor's annual evaluation of the Indiana Occupational Safety and Health Administration found it took nearly 72 days on average for the state to investigate complaints during fiscal year 2014. The national standard is five days.

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Senate blocks legislation to undercut EPA water rules

Democrats have blocked a Senate bill co-authored by Joe Donnelly of Indiana that would have forced the Obama administration to withdraw new federal rules to protect smaller streams, tributaries and wetlands from development and pollution.

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