
Homeowners in flood zones fear insurance spike

Steep increases are being felt from south Louisiana to New England to Columbus, Ind., are required by the Biggert-Waters Reform Act of 2012. That legislation, signed by President Obama two years ago, set into motion a process designed to start shaving down the flood insurance system's mounting deficit.

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Analysts say health care law means fewer on job

Several million American workers will cut back their hours on the job or leave the nation's workforce entirely because of President Barack Obama's health care overhaul, congressional analysts said Tuesday.

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U.S. Senate sends massive farm bill to Obama

The sweeping farm bill that Congress sent to President Obama Tuesday has something for almost everyone, from the nation's 47 million food stamp recipients to Southern peanut growers, Midwest corn farmers and the maple syrup industry in the Northeast.

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Obama speech to challenge Congress on minimum wage

Challenging lawmakers to help him create greater economic opportunity, President Barack Obama will use his State of the Union address Tuesday to announce he's raising the minimum wage for new federal contract workers to $10.10 an hour.

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Minimum wage bills pushed in at least 30 states

A pitch last week from Indiana Democrats was a nonstarter. But a Quinnipiac University poll this month found 71 percent of Americans in favor of raising the minimum wage—including more than half of Republicans polled.

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