Postal Service mulls moving Muncie work to Indianapolis
The change would save an estimated $3.5 million while eliminating 41 jobs.
The change would save an estimated $3.5 million while eliminating 41 jobs.
The Indiana National Guard has opened a new $27 million training facility in Franklin that is the largest of its 65 armories around the state.
Farm-state lawmakers are moving to create a whole new subsidy that would protect farmers when their revenue drops — an unprecedented program that critics say could pay billions of dollars to farmers now enjoying record-high crop prices.
At least one Indiana lawmaker plans to file a bill requiring the state to collect sales taxes from online retailers like Other state lawmakers are working on a federal solution.
The bill being considered in the U.S. House would allow telemarketers and debt collectors to start dialing residents' cell phones and, if approved, would override Indiana's "Do Not Call" law and lead to a flood of robocalls, Greg Zoeller said.
Michael Gargano, secretary of the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration, blasted the rules for both “glaring omissions” as well as creating new and unfunded “mandates” not included in the 2010 health reform law
The U.S. Postal Service is moving closer to closing the mail processing center in Terre Haute and moving its work to Indianapolis and Evansville. The South Bend center work would shift to Fort Wayne.
Electric-car battery maker Ener1 Inc., whose shares were delisted from the NASDAQ stock market Oct. 28, is the latest recipient of U.S. Energy Department aid to run into financial trouble and draw congressional scrutiny.
Indiana Republicans took their first presidential loss in 40 years when Barack Obama carried the state. To return the state to the GOP column and nail it there, national Republicans say they plan to treat Indiana as if it were a long-standing battleground state.
A bill backed by Indiana Sen. Richard Lugar would consolidate several subsidy programs into a plan to aid farmers when revenue declines.
Campaign finance reports show former U.S. Attorney Susan Brooks and former congressman David McIntosh each raised more than $300,000 in the third quarter. Burton raised $269,000.
Medicare supplement policies are reportedly one of the targets of Congress’ special deficit-reduction committee—and that’s not good news for Carmel-based CNO Financial Group Inc.
A widespread move among major banks to charge customers a fee for using their debit cards has stirred Democratic lawmakers to seek a Justice Department investigation on possible collusion.
Richard Mourdock, the tea party-backed challenger to U.S. Sen. Richard Lugar, reportedly closed the last federal reporting period with $300,000 in the bank. Lugar has close to $4 million.
The federal Dodd-Frank act shifts firms from Securities and Exchange Commission oversight.
Sen. Richard Lugar has $3.8 million in the bank as he fights the tea party-backed Richard Mourdock to remain the Republican contender for his seat.
Despite President Barack Obama's exhortations, the Senate prepared to swiftly kill his jobs package Tuesday and the White House and congressional leaders were already moving on to other ways to cut the nation's painfully high unemployment without raising taxes.
Agency says state officials need the Bloomington-Monroe County Metropolitan Planning Organization’s backing to spend federal money on a section of interstate intended link with Indiana 37 near Bloomington.
Eli Lilly and Co. got called out in a recent report on companies that took advantage of the 2004 tax holiday on foreign profits and have since slashed jobs.
The burst of hiring followed a sluggish summer for the economy—and at least temporarily calms fears of a new recession that have hung over Wall Street and the nation for weeks.