
Proposal: Link federal aid to performance of ITT, peers

The Obama administration released a proposal that would tighten for-profit colleges’ access to federal student aid,
threatening an industry that received $26.5 billion in U.S. funds last year. Carmel-based ITT Educational Services
is among those potentially affected.

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Obama signs unemployment bill; checks are coming

President Barack Obama on Thursday signed into law a restoration of benefits for people who have been out of work for six
months or more. The move ended an interruption that cut off payments averaging about $300 a week to 2½ million people
who have been unable to find work in the aftermath of the nation's long and deep recession.

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Central Indiana aims to become electric vehicle powerhouse

Central Indiana might be in line to tap hundreds of millions of dollars in federal grants and loan guarantees to energize
the rollout of plug-in electric cars and trucks. Both chambers of Congress are considering measures that would require the
Department of Energy to select up to 15 cities nationwide to participate in a national electric vehicle deployment program.

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Senate combines jobless benefits, homebuyer credit

Senate Democrats are working on a new way to jump-start their stalled election-year jobs agenda while saving unemployment benefits for hundreds of thousands of laid-off workers. The plan combines in one bill the unemployment benefits with an extension of a popular tax credit for people who buy new homes.

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Lilly’s Effient steps forward, then back

A day after doctors were alerted to a black-box warning that could slow sales of Effient’s main competitor,
a medical journal published research showing that patients suffered 43-percent more cancer tumors on Effient than on Plavix.

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Lawmakers approve big Wall Street revamp

Bill headed for Obama's desk would reform financial regulation in effort to protect consumers, curb risks, boost surveillance
of threats to markets, and give regulators more emergency powers to avoid future bank bailouts.

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