
Indiana firms lash out against patent proposal

Four Indiana businesses have joined more than 100 major companies in an open letter to President Barack Obama, outlining what
they believe are weaknesses of patent reform legislation now before Congress and voicing concern about its potential economic

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CAFE standards not as effective as gasoline tax

The Obama administration recently reversed a Bush-era policy that prevented states from imposing some of their own environmental policies with respect to corporate average fuel efficiency, or CAFE, standards.

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Stimulus just way too big to spend this year

After much debate, the U.S. House and Senate have come together on a stimulus package. Whether it will work remains to be seen. And the long-term impact of spending nearly $800 billion is a big concern.

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Daniels approves of Obama plan

Gov. Mitch Daniels said he generally supports a federal stimulus package that would include some money for Indiana and other
states, particularly for infrastructure projects such as highways and bridges.

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Budget cuts threaten local economic data analysis

Budget cuts could eliminate programs that gather and analyze local and state economic data. This would hurt businesses and
economic development officials, since they would not have the data that helps them see how their market differs from the state
and the nation.

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