Dana Black: Sexy or not, municipal elections affect our lives
To control Indianapolis and its economy would mean increased control over the state’s economy.
To control Indianapolis and its economy would mean increased control over the state’s economy.
Quite frankly, both political parties and the president are at fault for this record-breaking closure.
It will be interesting to see how many of our generation will consider a federal government job to be a ‘good, secure job’ going forward.
Servant leadership is an acquired skill, but that is exactly what we demand from our local, state and federal government leaders.
Those leading need to have ideas and a vision, an ability to inspire.
I cannot imagine reasonable adults looking over a list and discussing whom it’s OK to hate.
If ideas are free, but capital here is scarce, Indiana’s ideas and entrepreneurs will be underdeveloped compared to other places.
Indiana is poised for record growth and success in the coming years, so long as we embrace opportunities to adapt and change.
Tax incentives significantly affect how much people give, as well as the timing of their donations.
Stop spreading the B.S. that comes across your feed.
More than once we heard stories about Mexican cartels issuing bounties on individual Border Patrol agents.
In a time of near full employment and a strong U.S. economy, the addition of immigrants who share the work ethic and values of our country is a good thing.
The factors that result in addiction are complex, and there is no silver bullet for addressing substance misuse.
There are school districts losing millions of dollars because of the tax caps.
How frustrating is it to be driving down our Indiana highways only to have our view of farmland and trees interrupted by the visual clutter of billboards? Driving south on Interstate 65 from Indianapolis, for example, motorists encounter billboard clutter around Austin and Scottsburg. And of course let’s not forget the infamous billboards as one […]
In future considerations, the Indiana Chamber would encourage the governor (and lawmakers) to listen to the concerns of the trucking industry.
Revenue diversion is wrong, whether it’s gasoline and diesel taxes or tolls.
We were able to be ‘for’ something without feeling like we had to be ‘against’ something or someone.
Thank you for giving me a start and inspiring so many of us to pursue our dreams.
Why do we have to be in crisis mode before we do what we know is right?