
Parr What it means to be a nation of laws

We could, I suppose, dispense with these constitutional protections and simply hold a people’s court by which an individual is found guilty or liable based solely on how a group feels on any given day or predicated on accusations alone. I’m not a lawyer yet, but I think that’s called mob justice.

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Schneider: It’s time for mad women

It would be a step in the right direction for more women to be in positions of political and business strength, leading as editors, executives and officeholders.

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Irresponsible Collins blocked serious health reform

When Maine Sen. Susan Collins announced her opposition to the Graham-Cassidy bill to reform Obamacare, she has slammed the door on this latest Republican effort to address our health care crisis. I’m just able to muster up one word to capture my sense of Sen. Collins: irresponsible. Collins expressed her concern that the bill would […]

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