SLASH: To be a black, female, semi-conservative millennial
If you’re dealing with a millennial, it’s likely you’re interacting with a person who feels they were lied to their entire educational journey.
If you’re dealing with a millennial, it’s likely you’re interacting with a person who feels they were lied to their entire educational journey.
The public meetings generated smaller attendance and fewer comments than anticipated.
We can stop the Russian influence on our elections and our society simply by not blindly accepting whatever pleases us on the internet.
The Trump administration has shown little but contempt for the public’s right to know.
We rarely look back and report on the consequences and costs of programs we au-thorize or administer.
The overriding goal is to create a vibrant ecosystem of venture capital and entrepreneurship here at home.
I choose to focus on the survivors and ensure they have a path to long-term safety, stability and self-sufficiency.
Let’s have the courage to ask: What about guns? What about mental health? What can we do for our youth who are hurting, lonely, abandoned?
Your last name, your high school and your golf club membership just don’t matter that much here.
Inaction and complacency are no longer options.
Where are the people who stood with me in my youth championing the causes of the greater good of fairness and equal rights for all?
When it comes down to dollars and cents, these payday dollars make absolutely no sense for struggling consumers.
HB 1319 will ensure that hardworking Hoosiers continue to have credit options for managing financial difficulties.
Trump is bringing back individual freedom and economic freedom. And it’s working. The bogus racist claims against Trump As President Trump lays out and implements his vision for American success—via his campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again”—there remain defiant naysayers. Among the most defiant are those who want to talk about race. They oppose Trump, […]
Over the years, I have reviewed the evidence, and on balance it persuades me. Woody Allen meets the #MeToo movement Four years ago, when Woody Allen was given a lifetime achievement award by the Golden Globes, Dylan Farrow curled up in a ball on her bed, crying hysterically. Then she wrote an open letter for […]
We need a solution for DACA recipients. They should be allowed a pathway to citizenship.
Do we really want the government to start punishing people for what they believe?
Perhaps in a future legislative session, we will seize this opportunity.
Paying these fees causes many families to sacrifice extra-curricular experiences and sports participation for their children or even curtail family vacations.