Wagner: Increased polarization breaks down trust
Political officials in the middle either give up or move farther left or right to mitigate the sting of criticism.
Political officials in the middle either give up or move farther left or right to mitigate the sting of criticism.
Solving this problem long term will attract and retain quality educators in Indiana.
Football will never be risk-free. That’s the attraction.
We have built a sense of our collective American character of grit and hard work based upon our fight to come to and thrive in this country.
Taxpayers are footing the bill as some homes are repeatedly flooded and fixed, in a horrendous cycle of disaster and waste.
In-state tuition for students of this capability and commitment seems like a limited, well-targeted investment in Indiana’s future.
Consider diversity as an invitation to a dance. Inclusion means you get to dance.
Some professors are more interested in telling students what to think, than in how to think.
Our country was founded on the right of people—even purveyors of hateful thoughts—to express themselves peacefully.
My advice to those who think the city should do something about our own Civil War statues or monuments is to not make a decision until they do the reading first.
Benton included this dark feature of our past—images of a Ku Klux Klan rally—as a unique reminder of our sins and a testament to our growth.
If it depicts racial terrorism, put it in a space where individuals can choose whether to engage with it.
People can evolve on issues when they talk to each other and learn more not just about what others believe, but why they believe what they do.
Candidates who run on ideas—no matter the results—breathe life into their party and help move communities forward.
With what we’ve seen in the news, you would think it was open season on unarmed black men by law enforcement. However, the data paints a different picture.
Journalism has changed, the ways we consume it have changed, and the way people view journalism and journalists has changed, too.
In the days of Donald Trump, Anthony Scaramucci and endless talking heads—nay, screaming heads—on the left and right, it is easy to forget that running for office or working in government is supposed to be about public service. It is supposed to be an honor and the highest form of civic engagement.
Sometimes, elected officials do the right thing for the right reasons when no one is looking. Seriously. I know what you’re thinking, but it’s true.
I agree in concept with John Lott’s “more guns, less crime” theory, based on data indicating that violent crime decreases when states are required to issue gun permits to law-abiding citizens. But I don’t see any need for the general public to own semi-automatic weapons.
The church is about far, far more than worship on Sunday morning. It affects whom we elect, how we earn and spend money, and the ways we solve shared problems.