Leppert: Public health and education are infrastructure, too
Just as a company is only as good as “the intelligence of its people,” the same rule applies to “the health of its people.” And these two rules apply to our nation.
Just as a company is only as good as “the intelligence of its people,” the same rule applies to “the health of its people.” And these two rules apply to our nation.
in cases of extreme expansion of federal power, the court of public opinion is arguably at least as important as the legal process.
Under Obamacare, these decisions are increasingly being taken from you and your family and made by bureaucrats who don’t know you, don’t know your needs, and don’t have a stake in your future.
I won’t support any effort that undermines the coverage of those Hoosiers—or of the families whose children have complex medical conditions and rely on HIP 2.0 and Medicaid to get the care they need.
Winning this war means my son will proudly remain black, beautiful and intelligent as he graduates from college and graduate school. He won’t be society’s statistic
Courage is standing against a president of your own party when he is wrong.
We should require each political party to develop, fund and implement its own mechanisms to select electoral candidates.
Blindly dropping taxpayer funds from helicopters is not compassion.
Trump had begun to resemble a dinner guest who does nothing but talk about his superior tennis skills, better car and more interesting vacations.
States are sometimes called the "laboratories of Democracy."
Our aim is to convene the brightest minds in politics and thought to come together to cast a vision for the conservative movement in Indiana.
There has always been a tension in America between the costs and benefits of too much government and too much individual freedom.
I didn’t write this column in my downtown office, but in my back yard, where I can have a cigar and adult beverage.
I don't care what party or candidate benefits.
People no longer have to hear the voices of those with whom they disagree—and they rarely force themselves to listen.
This flawed process is generally exacerbated by local media's rush to research and report criminal backgrounds demonizing the victims.
You have to wonder, when high schools students go to write term papers in five years, what will they consider to be a trustworthy news source?
Too many of the complex problems facing the planet today cannot be resolved without building coalitions.
As Republican infighting continues to stall the president’s domestic agenda, Trump has shown laudable strength as commander-in-chief.
It was a story of Indiana as a place where collective goodwill still plays a large role in civic life, to good result.