DANIELS: Minimum-wage-hike proposals aren’t so simple
You can’t increase wages significantly while also erasing the deficit.
You can’t increase wages significantly while also erasing the deficit.
Raising the minimum wage can not only save money on public health outcomes, it can literally save lives.
The minimum-wage rate was never intended to feed entire families or be a rate that one worked at his or her entire life.
We recently marked the completion of the first 100 days of the Trump administration. This milestone also coincides with a very important anniversary. Twenty-five years ago, on April 29, 1992, riots exploded in Los Angeles after four policemen were acquitted after being charged with the violent beating of Rodney King, caught on video for the […]
When George Shultz was secretary of state in the 1980s, he liked to carve out one hour each week for quiet reflection. He sat down in his office with a pad of paper and pen, closed the door and told his secretary to interrupt him only if one of two people called: “My wife or […]
Last month, the state of Arkansas, which had executed nobody since 2005, put to death Ledell Lee for the crime of murdering Debra Reese in 1993. Why now—11 years after the last execution, 24 years after the crime? Because the chemicals used for lethal injection were about to expire. Reasonable people can disagree on the […]
One of the more pernicious and insidious effects of the Donald Trump regime may well be the damage he does to language itself. Trumpian language is a thing unto itself: some manner of sophistry peppered with superlatives. It is a way of speech that defies the Reed-Kellogg sentence diagram. It is a jumble of incomplete […]
What do you do if you’re a historically unpopular new president, with a record low approval rating by 14 points, facing investigations into the way Russia helped you get elected, with the media judging your first 100 days in office as the weakest of any modern president? Why, you announce a tax cut! And in […]
Here in Indianapolis, more people attend cultural events than they do sporting events, generating a stronger economic impact.
Under the old system, unless you were the ultimate insider, Marion County voters didn’t have much say in the process.
“Intent” is often a funny thing in the Statehouse. It also is often meaningless.
No major legislative accomplishments. Plenty of fights with the judicial branch. Wild accusations and enough scandals to make me feel like I am watching the show “Scandal” rather than the real news.
For a burst of bipartisanship-budgeting to have any chance of occurring, let alone succeeding, we need a public with an appetite for change and greater financial frugality.
Occasionally, something has happened in the new Justice Department administration to give me pause.
Moving away from the passing of high schools tests in English and math and toward demonstrating college- or career-readiness through a graduation pathway gives students many options to achieve an Indiana diploma tailored to their graduation goals.
Of the 50 senators, 17 had no opponent in their last election and 22 won with at least 60 percent of the vote. In the 100-member House, 27 lawmakers were unopposed in 2016 and 57 won with at least 60 percent of the vote.
Taxpayers have already paid for the compilation and disclosure of public records.
It was a relief last month when Gov. Eric Holcomb got out his veto pen for the very first time to strike down a proposed law that would have permitted units of government to charge up to $20 an hour to produce public records.
Erin Moran died last month in southern Indiana. An early and erroneous report suggested the one-time Hollywood star’s death was the result of a heroin overdose. Her former co-star, Scott Baio, quickly condemned her behavior and that of anyone who takes drugs. He said in a radio interview, “You do drugs, you die.” It turns […]
The law requiring a gun license is supported by logic. Weapons can be dangerous and attention needs to be paid to who has them and how they are used.