ZYCHER: SB 309 offers real reform for Indiana power consumers
Over time, the legislation will reduce the net metering subsidy transferred from some customers to others and decrease incentives in the system to drive costs upward.
Over time, the legislation will reduce the net metering subsidy transferred from some customers to others and decrease incentives in the system to drive costs upward.
The hypocrisy that I resent the most is the absurd contention that the Legislature’s serving as lapdog for large corporate concerns is done for my well-being.
By now, most consumers of news media, while more than distracted by the latest D.C. debacle, have cottoned onto the fact that truly important things are either being pushed through or ignored by lawmakers. Fueled by drama, these constant news cycles often have ill effect. Friends supportive of the Trump administration seem obsessed with their […]
She is 17 years old, has an alarming itch “down there” and has come to the family planning clinic because she doesn’t know where else to go. Sara Hayes, a nurse practitioner, breezes into the examining room and soothes the teenager. Hayes takes a swab and quickly diagnoses a mild yeast infection—perhaps from scented tampons—while […]
Appearing recently on ABC’s “The View,” Sen. Chuck Schumer painted a picture of Republicans unhappy with their new president and getting ready to bolt for the door. “When you talk to Republicans quietly—you know—in the cloak room and the gym—they are having real problems with him. … My prediction is if he keeps on this […]
Donald Trump’s team spent so much time with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, you’d think he was dating Tiffany. Really, they couldn’t get enough of this guy. It was Kislyak who Michael Flynn, our come-and-gone national security adviser, was chatting with in those phone calls Flynn fibbed about. Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law, met with Kislyak at […]
Gov. Eric Holcomb’s optimism continues as he tackles the many challenges facing him as governor.
A word of warning to my Republican friends: You underestimate Democratic U.S. Sen. Joe Donnelly at your own peril.
Rep. Andre Carson is remarkably upbeat for a man who can expect to be on the losing side of just about every big debate in Washington.
Worth noting in that Donald Trump previously attended a media-sponsored roast where he was the target. It happened right here in Indianapolis.
I struggle to imagine how legislators are seeing the world where this is not a problem that should be addressed.
Friends, it is no coincidence that these incidents are and have been on the rise since Trump started his campaign.
Over the past month, I have had one child given a swastika at school, another child bullied, and the third feel that complaining is not important because, “This is part of what it means to be in school.”
Ever since the Nixon years, the budgets passed by Congress have reflected a broad policy of implementing national priorities by sending federal money to the states for administration and distribution.
Opponents argue that raising Indiana’s cigarette tax would significantly increase sales in neighboring states. History shows that isn’t so.
We hold doors for one another. We say, “Thank you,” and, “Excuse me,” an awful lot also. In fact, we do this stuff so much, it sticks out at home to me when someone doesn’t. The nerve of those people!
Let me briefly indulge the desire to say, “We told you so.” For decades, pro-family groups like the Indiana Family Institute, Focus on the Family and faith leaders of all types and beliefs have decried the decline of the nuclear family and predicted a harvest of tears.
Clearly, the suggestion made by some for universal public pre-K is unrealistic. However, our low-income children should be a top priority, and they need our help the most.
Stripping away the power of the voters leaves the education of our children subject to only partisan political initiatives as we elect a governor.
About 10 years ago, Indiana started doing something right. Something that significantly lifts up kids who otherwise might very well fall through the cracks.