BOEHM: Legislative breakthroughs might be possible with Trump
With a Republican president, the congressional majorities may no longer offer knee-jerk opposition to anything that comes from the White House.
With a Republican president, the congressional majorities may no longer offer knee-jerk opposition to anything that comes from the White House.
Donald Trump’s coalition was not the same as Barack Obama’s, his language was not inspiring, but he promised the same outcome: The American people are the change and must rise up as a social movement to defeat the party elite.
Make no mistake: This was a loss but not a failure. Secretary Clinton didn’t win, but she was on the ballot as the first major-party female presidential candidate in American history.
I have been told that my daughter and my sisters (blood and otherwise) and I are second-class citizens whose value lies only in physical appearance, child-bearing abilities and servitude.
Now is the time for policy innovators to develop coalitions based on the social benefit derived from shared interests at the local, state and national level.
Democrats need to stop attacking voters and overreaching on social issues.
Like most things in life, neither side is completely right or completely wrong.
Allowing carmakers to sell directly to customers is dangerous. These companies don’t have systems in place to help customers if something goes terribly wrong.
Tesla strongly believes it is vital to sell directly because, among many reasons, we are in the best position to patiently educate our customers about the benefits of going electric, which is central to our mission to accelerate the shift to sustainable transportation.
Another set of black men killed by the police—one in Tulsa, Oklahoma, another in Charlotte, North Carolina. Another television cycle in which the pornography of black death, pain and anguish are exploited for visual sensation and ratings gold. And yes, another moment of mistakenly focusing on individual cases and individual motives and individual protests instead […]
There is no point denying or sugar-coating the plain fact that the voters this election year face a choice between two of the worst candidates in living memory. A professor at Morgan State University summarized the situation by saying that the debates may enable voters to decide which is the “less insufferable” candidate to be […]
Let’s stop being so hard on Donald Trump. He has done us an enormous public service. After this down-and-dirty battle of the sexes, we will never look at gender in politics the same way. For centuries, women were seen as unfit to hold public office. Ambition, power and business were the province of men. Unlike […]
Because of our unique shared history and values as Americans, we have a unique capacity to lead across continents. That is a quality no one politician can take away.
Despite honest, bi-partisan leadership over 40 years, despite an amazing transformation from a manufacturing-based economy to a service and innovation economy, despite keeping the Pacers and luring the Colts, Indianapolis faces the seeming inevitable decline that has overtaken so many Midwestern cities.
If someone has a problem with something this country is doing, they have every right to peacefully protest. I did not say riot; I said protest.
We’ve long bemoaned the quality of our bus system; but truth be told, we have failed to invest in it. Other needs, such as public safety, have been viewed as more pressing. At this point, we rank 86th in the country for transit investment per capita out of the 100 largest regions.
A political reality is Hillary Clinton is qualified for the office. While I don’t trust her politics, she is competent to run the most powerful country on Earth.
The commission, which is the oldest incorporated and independent state-level debate group in the nation, has hosted televised debates in contested primary and general election races since its birth. All of the debates are broadcast by a live statewide feed as they happen and then archived on the commission’s website.
While Evan Bayh voted to confirm both of President Obama’s nominees, Justices Kagan and Sotomayor, he voted against every Republican nominee. This includes his vote against Chief Justice John Roberts, a fellow Hoosier with a distinguished record and moderate reputation.
I hope my son is inspired by great American heroes rather than drowning in appropriate contempt for the GOP politicians who value electoral partisan victory over the core values of their party.