
SADLER: This governor’s style feels comfortable

Gov. Mike Pence has borne the brunt of unfair criticism from politicos around the state of late. Not even six months into his term, he has been described as lackluster, lacking vision and as having a dearth of ideas.

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ODLE: Many ways to weed gardens of despair

There has been much discussion recently about the need to “beef up” Marion County law enforcement to reduce crime. I agree. The Indianapolis public safety director recently reported that only about half of the sworn officers are on the street.

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DAVIS: Some solid ways to move Indy forward

Three promising efforts are under way in Indianapolis to unite the community and propel us forward. I hope we pursue each initiative with a sense of urgency and change the trajectory on our health, skills and economic prosperity.

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BOEHM: Battle over council is unnecessary

A two-front war is waging over control of the City-County Council. The General Assembly recently changed the Unigov statute to eliminate the four at-large council seats. Meanwhile, a special five-judge panel is considering a challenge to the city-county ordinance drawing the council’s 25 single-member districts.

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BENNETT: Indianapolis is treated differently than other cities

The question continues to be pondered by many people and seems to always rise to a high level during each session of the General Assembly. The issue is typically considered and debated regularly by those of us from around the state who live outside of Marion County.

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SCHELLINGER: Green delegation should work hard on influence

Roll Call reported several weeks ago that Indiana’s clout in Washington, D.C., has slipped in the rankings from 27th to 42nd. This is certainly no surprise in the wake of Sen. Richard Lugar’s departure, in addition to former Sen. Evan Bayh and former congressman and now Gov. Mike Pence.

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SOWELL: Undoing university brain-washings

This time of year, as college students return home for the summer, many parents may notice how many politically correct ideas they have acquired on campus. Some of those parents may wonder how they can undo the brainwashing that has become so common in what are supposed to be institutions of higher learning.

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VANE: Had more than enough hope, change

It should come as no surprise to anyone who’s read what I’ve written in Forefront that I didn’t buy a ticket to ride the “Hope and Change” express. Just because I wasn’t a passenger, however, doesn’t mean I didn’t want the train to reach its station.

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TAFT: Cities are great places to raise kids

I recently participated in a planning session for downtown Indianapolis that included cultural and civic leaders whom I consider very pro-urban Indianapolis. As the conversation turned toward the urgent need to recruit more taxpayers into city neighborhoods, one of my colleagues stated that it really wasn’t practical to raise a middle class family in the city, and many others agreed.

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