
DINING: Backward-named eatery, forward-thinking fusion

Search the Web for Naisa and you may come up with the North American International Auto Show or the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association. Neither has anything to do with the new Naisa Pan-Asian Cafe (1025 Virginia Ave., 602-3708), where the name comes from simply reversing the letters in the word Asian.

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Arts backer Efroymson returns to contemporary museum he helped start

Jeremy Efroymson recently agreed to return to the financially flailing Indianapolis Museum of Contemporary Art as its executive
director and work for free. Efroymson, one of the museum’s early leaders, has a strategy for seeing IMOCA through a financial
rough spot, but what remains unclear is how the museum will wean itself off his support.

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Tonic Ball raises money for Second Helpings

Tonic Ball — an annual fundraiser for Second Helpings — takes place the Friday before Thanksgiving, featuring 30
local bands
each playing 10-minute themed sets and local artists selling their work.

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