
United Way donations match last year’s amount

United Way of Central Indiana's 2009 fund-raising campaign raised $38.8 million, slightly short of its $39 million goal,
but almost equal to the previous year's effort, the organization announced Thursday.

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United Way scales back fund-raising goal

United Way of Central Indiana recently announced a fund-raising goal of $39 million. That’s less than the goal of
$40 million set last year, when fund raising fell short, ending at $38.8 million.

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Charity alliances in United Way’s shadow seek their share

Once a year, the CEO implores employees to sign pledge cards to the United Way. Local health and human services agencies that
benefit wait to redeem your tax-deductible gift. But others are preaching there’s another path to charitable-giving heaven.
Lesser-known federations continue to nip at the heels of the United Way establishment in the workplace.

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