Economy fared better in first quarter than previously estimated
The latest revision reflected stronger export sales and less drag from business investment. But consumer spending growth had its weakest showing since the first quarter of 2014.
The latest revision reflected stronger export sales and less drag from business investment. But consumer spending growth had its weakest showing since the first quarter of 2014.
Congress should pass gun-control legislation to bar felons, people with mental illness and those on the government no-fly list from purchasing firearms, U.S. Sen. Joe Donnelly said Monday.
Metro Plastics Technologies Inc. plans to leave the plant where it’s been housed for 35 years to move into a newly built facility.
"I will have your backs every day,” she told those attending the U.S. Conference of Mayors annual meeting in Indianapolis. She said she would seek local government leaders' input and would give them the flexibility to solve problems as they see fit.
The marketing-software firm originally planned to employ 167 employees by the end of 2020. But it’s accelerating those plans and expects to be halfway to that goal by the end of this year.
Markets in America mirrored a worldwide selloff Friday morning as the U.K.’s decision to leave the European Union fanned speculation that a divided Europe would hinder already fragile global growth.
The money will be used to make repairs and improvements to public housing units, as well as providing housing counseling to struggling consumers.
Indianapolis will host the U.S. Conference of Mayors this weekend for the first time in the group’s 84-year history.
The new law lifts the ban on carryout sales for artisan distilleries, putting the businesses on par with wineries and craft breweries, which already sell alcohol on Sundays.
Publicly traded Determine Inc. generated fanfare when it announced it was moving its headquarters here and adding 24 jobs to the 35 already here. But many investors have been betting against it for years.
The Hoosier Lottery is having a banner year, thanks in part to this winter’s record $1.6 billion Powerball jackpot mania and other efforts to better reach Indiana players.
In his decision, Special Judge Matthew Kincaid wrote that the residents of the 1,017-acre area of unincorporated Clay Township did not prove all of the elements necessary to prevent Carmel’s annexation.
State Rep. Ed DeLaney of Indianapolis criticized Indiana’s “very, very limited” gun laws and said he wants to introduce bills that would ban large ammunition clips and “automatic military-type” weapons.
Indiana and the nation need to rethink their economic development strategies, which are excessively focused on trying to land large factories—an increasingly difficult task, the report found.
Japan’s largest steel producer announced plans Tuesday to open a subsidiary in Shelbyville in a plant that is expected to be fully operational by spring 2018.
Kevin Kellems, who served as communications director for former Vice President Dick Cheney and advised Sen. Dan Coats and former Sen. Dick Lugar, joined the campaign earlier this month, a source close to the move told IBJ.
Angie Carr Klitzsch is EmployIndy’s new president and CEO, and Marie Mackintosh is chief operating officer.
Clinton will address the U.S. Conference of Mayors' annual meeting at 4:30 p.m. Sunday, the organization announced Monday.
Two top Indiana Democrats on the ballot this November released a plan Thursday for developing a state-funded preschool program that would be available to all Indiana children regardless of family income.
A seat on the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission has been open more than two months, despite a requirement that three candidate names be submitted to the governor within 40 days of the vacancy.