
Low enrollment clouds Healthy Indiana Plan

Many Indiana Republicans want to use the Healthy Indiana Plan to expand Medicaid coverage in Indiana to more low-income adults. But the program—which offers health insurance based on health savings accounts to uninsured adults—has managed to attract just one-third of the Hoosiers it was designed for and has cost about twice as much per enrollee as predicted.

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CIB to fight council’s attempt to take $15 million

The Capital Improvement Board’s directors voted Thursday afternoon on three actions that will circumvent the $15 million payment-in-lieu-of-taxes, or PILOT, which the Indianapolis City-County Council included in the CIB’s budget.

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Ad spending tops $25 million in Indiana Senate race

Spending on television ads in the race for Indiana's open Senate seat between Republican Richard Mourdock and Democrat Joe Donnelly topped $25 million this week, nearly five times what was spent in the 2010 Indiana Senate race.

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Gregg using attack ads in homestretch

Democrat John Gregg has been trying for months to paint Republican Mike Pence as an extremist, and his latest ad is the most direct attack in the governor's race to date.

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Lottery manager ramping up advertising budget

The Hoosier Lottery’s new manager plans to launch a branding campaign in the spring as part of a business plan that calls for a significantly larger advertising budget. That could be good news for Indiana ad agencies.

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Anderson reduces cuts to fire, police departments

The Anderson City Council voted 8-1 Monday night to approve a 2013 budget that cuts nine firefighter and three police officer positions. That's down from the 29 total jobs in those departments that Mayor Kevin Smith initially proposed.

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