
IT upgrade for state dogged by delays

The state missed a Dec. 15 deadline to complete a complicated technology overhaul of its unemployment insurance system—the latest in a series of delays that have added years to the project and led to more than $18 million in cost overruns.

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Indiana House Dem leader hints at another walkout

Patrick Bauer, the leader of Indiana’s House Democrats, hinted Wednesday that party lawmakers may walk out for the second year in a row to oppose the same Republican-led right-to-work bill thwarted last year by their five-week boycott.

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Daniels outlines agenda for General Assembly

In a wide-ranging interview, Gov. Mitch Daniels discusses his goals for the General Assembly, which convenes Wednesday. Among them: Implement a statewide smoking ban, make Indiana a right-to-work state, and end what he calls “credit creep” for college students.

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