
States suing over health care law collect funding

Federal officials announced Tuesday they are awarding more money to help states carry out President Barack Obama's health care overhaul. Seven states that are suing to overturn the landmark law are also on the list for funding.

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Feds reject Indiana request for health care exemption

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on Monday rejected Indiana's bid for an exemption from federal health care overhaul rules that require insurers selling policies to individuals to essentially dedicate 80 percent of the premiums they collect to medical care.

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Purdue, IU students lobby for alcohol amnesty law

Student leaders on three college campuses are urging Indiana lawmakers to enact a law that shields underage drinkers from disciplinary action if they report that someone is intoxicated and at serious health risk.

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Portugal’s economic crisis deepens as big strike hits

Portugal’s efforts to climb out of its economic crisis suffered a double setback Thursday as its credit rating was downgraded to junk status and a major strike gave voice to broad public outrage over austerity measures that have squeezed living standards.

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Judge allows class in suit against state tort law

U.S. District Judge Sarah Evans Barker has certified the victims of the Indiana State Fair stage collapse as a single class in a lawsuit challenging a law that caps the state’s liability at $5 million. However, she concluded the plaintiffs are unlikely to win the challenge.

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Dow drops after debt panel fails to reach deal

The Dow Jones industrial average lost almost 250 points after the special committee of Congress assigned to come up with $1.2 trillion in deficit cuts over 10 years indicated that there would be no deal.

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Indiana voucher memo confuses, concerns districts

A memo that sparked concern among Indiana's school districts by saying they would begin losing funding this month under the state's new private school voucher law was sent "prematurely" a state education official says.

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