Control of House key issue as election season revs up
One hundred Indiana House seats are on the ballot—though many fewer are competitive—but their outcomes may affect the state well beyond the two-year terms that the candidates seek.
One hundred Indiana House seats are on the ballot—though many fewer are competitive—but their outcomes may affect the state well beyond the two-year terms that the candidates seek.
The state Budget Agency reported Friday that Indiana collected $938 million in August. That’s $51 million above the most recent forecast, but still $2 million less than projected in the budget lawmakers passed in early 2009.
Overall, the economy lost 54,000 jobs as 114,000 temporary census positions came to an end. State and local governments shed 10,000 positions. The jobless rate rose to 9.6 percent from 9.5 percent in July.
Two governors seen as potential 2012 presidential candidates appeared together Thursday night at a fundraiser for the Mississippi Republican Party. Mississippi's Haley Barbour and Indiana's Mitch Daniels wouldn't say whether either has ambitions for the White House.
Two prominent groups that have fought against the statewide property tax caps championed by Gov. Mitch Daniels are going to sit out the November referendum on whether to put the limits into the state constitution.
Domestic vendor who thought “buy American” provision would help it win contract loses out to Taiwanese supplier.
Initial jobless claims fell by 6,000, to 472,000, in the week ended Aug. 28, in line with the median forecast of economists surveyed by Bloomberg News, Labor Department figures show.
The secretary of state's office says more than 4,000 Indiana residents have gone online to register to vote or update registration information since the state started offering the online service July 1.
The state's largest farm organization says it will strongly support efforts to retain township trustees and township advisory boards. Several legislative proposals in recent years have sought to shrink local government and eliminate or consolidate such positions.
The state has a new transparency website that pulls together Indiana budget data, spending reports and other financial information
that had previously been spread across multiple sites.
Including debt obligations, the CIB’s total budget for 2011 is expected to be $104.4 million. The City-County Council is set
to receive the budget at its Sept. 20 meeting and could approve it Oct. 25.
Indianapolis’ Department of Public Works Board and its City-County Council Rules and Public Policy Committee both will meet
on Monday to consider the long-term deal. It would need approval from the City-County Council before taking effect.
Capital Improvement Board president says initial $10 million payment to the Indiana Pacers is not only reason for the larger
budget. Rather, she insisted it’s largely due to $5 million in renovations slated for Conseco Fieldhouse and other CIB-operated
The company is seeing a rush of new sales for its Web-based electronic medical record system from doctors, who all stand to
receive bonus payments from the federal stimulus act for computerizing their patient records.
The pitch from Mayor Greg Ballard’s administration to privatize the city’s parking meters is compelling, but the proposal
to sell the meters to Dallas-based Affiliated Computer Services Inc. has the city giving up more in the long run than is immediately
Family and Social Services Administration Secretary Anne Murphy and acting Insurance Commissioner Stephen Robertson have sent
Gov. Mitch Daniels a letter that now estimates the overhaul will cost Indiana $235 million more than the previous estimate
in May.
Despite criticizing the latest stimulus package, Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels said he will ask the federal government to send
the state more than $435 million for schools and Medicaid.
A combination of military service and education has helped Kevin Paul turn Indianapolis-based KPaul Properties LLC into one
of the fastest-growing companies in the nation.
Funding for city arts programs is expected to remain at $1 million in 2011, even as the mayor’s budget plan calls for cutting
million in local spending. Funding for the parks department also should remain flat, at $21.1 million.
Vice President Joe Biden discussed the drawdown of U.S. troops in Iraq during an address to a gathering of about 5,500
war veterans from across the country.