Indianapolis gets $10 million for clean energy
The grant announced Wednesday is part of $452 million in stimulus funding nationwide for projects meant to make buildings
more energy efficient.
The grant announced Wednesday is part of $452 million in stimulus funding nationwide for projects meant to make buildings
more energy efficient.
Indiana is among the nation’s five most underfunded teacher pension programs, but low ranking is misleading.
Thirteen years after Mayor Jim Brainard first described his vision for a new downtown along Range Line Road, Carmel City Center
is starting to look like a city.
U.S. Reps. Kucinich and LaTourette say about 225 Marine Corps IT jobs belong in Cleveland instead of Indianapolis.
City expects environmentally friendly overhaul of downtown headquarters to provide net savings of $250,000 per year.
City-County Building energy-efficiency upgrades are set to be unveiled Tuesday afternoon. The nearly 50-year old landmark is the centerpiece of the city's greener-building initiative.
Host committee opts to partner with University of Indianapolis and build community center at Arsenal Tech High School, the
original site of
the domed practice facility.
As expected, city officials announced Tuesday morning that USA Football will relocate its headquarters to Indianapolis from
Vienna, Va. The move should be complete by August.
Carmel-based electronic medical records developer Gemms Inc. plans to invest $2.1 million to expand its headquarters and software
development operations here, more than doubling its staff in the next five years.
Mayor Greg Ballard's office has an announcement scheduled for 10 a.m. Tuesday to reveal a "major sport's national governing body" that is moving to the city. IBJ reported in February that USA Football was seriously considering moving here.
Officials hope to reschedule flight to Italy for Tuesday to salvage the remainder of planned job attraction and creation trip.
For years, ethanol fuel derived from corn was almost politically untouchable, thanks to powerful advocates on Capitol Hill.
The ethanol industry has consequently exploded over the last decade, thanks to government subsidies and incentives. But skepticism
about ethanol is rising, prompted by fluctuating food prices and an organized campaign by anti-ethanol advocates to discredit
the industry.
Republican Rep. Dan Burton, who's seeking his 15th term in central Indiana's heavily Republican 5th District, raised
$754,000 through March 31 in that heavily contested race.
Indiana received just over $14 per capita and ranked 48th among all states, down from 43rd in 2009.
Five years ago, the Indiana Pacers ownership was not included in discussions about a potential new downtown home for the Indianapolis
Colts, and now city and Pacers officials are paying the price.
Another case has surfaced in which Marion County Prosecutor Carl Brizzi personally weighed in to the benefit of defense attorney
Paul Page, Brizzi’s friend and business partner.
Indiana Pacers President Larry Bird says that despite questions about the franchise's stability he's never heard team
owner Herb Simon say he would relocate the club.
The city’s Department of Public Works plans a record $88 million in transportation improvements, including road, bridge
and sidewalk projects.
The convention bureau has shelved its plan to attract a full-service hotel and instead will boost spending on tourism marketing.
The Indiana delegation plans to visit Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom on a job- and investment-attraction mission.