Indy Partnership aims to double economic development deals
The organization last year closed 11 business expansion or attraction deals, netting 2,950 new jobs in the process.
The organization last year closed 11 business expansion or attraction deals, netting 2,950 new jobs in the process.
Executives of Novae Corp. announced plans for the company’s expansion in North Manchester, where it expects to employ perhaps
85 people by 2013.
Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels signed 23 bills into law on Wednesday.
The city of Indianapolis, which had listed the property for $667,500, had hoped to sell it the former hospital for redevelopment.
Gov. Mitch Daniels has accepted the resignation of his commissioner of local government finance and has reappointed David
Lott Hardy as chairman of the state Utility Regulatory Commission.
Indiana Rep. Mike Pence told a crowd of "tea party" supporters Monday that Democrats in Congress don’t have
enough votes to pass President Barack Obama’s health care reform legislation.
K-12 education in Indiana already has faced $300 million in reduced state funding this year as the state has cut spending
in the face of lower tax revenues.
Indianapolis-based WellPoint Inc., the nation's largest health insurer based on membership, spent $1.2 million lobbying
the federal government in the fourth quarter of 2009 as it weighed in on several topics tied to the health care overhaul debate.
As of Monday morning, the Marion County Metropolitan Development Commission had received no bids to buy the property. MDC
is set to begin reviewing bids at its Wednesday meeting.
Legislators postponed a $400 million tax hike to shore up Indiana’s bankrupt Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund, but state’s
troubled employers still face automatic payroll tax hike this year.
This year, for the first time since the 1980s, when Congress last overhauled Social Security, the retirement program is projected
to pay out more in benefits than it collects in taxes. And its giant coffers have been raided over the years for other government
The Indiana General Assembly finally adjourned its 2010 legislative session early Saturday with deals including a one-year
delay on unemployment insurance tax increases and aid for schools reeling from state budget cuts.
Both parties reportedly agreed to tentative deals on the issues that threatened to push the legislative session all the way
to the brink, including a one-year delay for a planned increase in unemployment taxes.
The impasse between the two parties over a delay in an unemployment-tax increase is expected to drag the legislative session
into the weekend. "Nobody is talking right now," says one legislator.
The Indiana Arts Commission on Friday morning accepted a staff recommendation to alter its regional partnership program, but
will delay action until next month.
State officials say local governments saved more than $8 million this winter purchasing road salt through a state volume-buying
Records show Marion County Prosecutor Carl Brizzi directed lucrative work for the Prosecutor’s Office to his friend, business
partner and political contributor John Bales.
The city of Franklin is using the post-flood era to push for comprehensive redevelopment in and around downtown.
The cornerstone of the plan is a flood plain southwest of the courthouse.
Sticking points include a bill that would delay an unemployment insurance tax increase and provide tax breaks and incentives to create jobs.
The full Indiana House returned to the Statehouse after a five-day break, but partisan differences remained over an unemployment
insurance tax bill.