
Unions prod Obama to fix ailing airline industry

U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood is holding a forum Thursday to discuss the state of the airline industry, which is
mired in a severe economic slump and blamed for using a business model critics say undermines safety.

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City program benefits veteran-owned businesses

The city’s Veteran Business Enterprise program aims to increase the representation of veteran-owned businesses on city projects—an
effort that has generated $217,000 in contracts for such firms so far.

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House passes health care bill on close vote

In a victory for President Barack Obama, the Democratic-controlled House narrowly passed landmark health care legislation
Saturday night to expand coverage to tens of millions who lack it and place tough new restrictions on the insurance industry. The 220-215 vote cleared the way for the Senate to begin a long-delayed debate
on the issue that has come to overshadow all others in Congress.

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Indiana voters trending against schools in tax votes

Indiana voters seem willing to pay more in property taxes to help school districts cover operating costs. The results of last
week’s referendums, however, continue the trend against supporting plans for bigger, better schools during tough economic

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Daniels announces more cuts as state revenue falls again

Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels on Friday announced a series of spending cuts and other steps designed to offset a continuing multimillion-dollar
decline in state revenues. If the trend continues without spending cuts, he said, Indiana’s reserves would be wiped out by
next August.

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Obama to sign homebuyer, jobless assistance bill

President Barack Obama is set to sign a $24-billion economic stimulus bill providing tax incentives to prospective homebuyers
and extending unemployment benefits to the longtime jobless who have been left behind as the economy veers toward recovery.

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