IndyGo schedules public meetings on Red Line project
Now that the Marion County transit tax has passed, IndyGo is assured of funding for the bus rapid-transit project.
Now that the Marion County transit tax has passed, IndyGo is assured of funding for the bus rapid-transit project.
House committees planned to begin voting on the 123-page legislation Wednesday, launching what could be the year's defining battle in Congress and capping seven years of Republican vows to repeal the troubled 2010 law.
The nation’s largest provider of health services for inmates lost its contract with the Indiana Department of Corrections to a competitor, which could rehire some of the workers.
Local leaders are expected to vote Monday on proposals that would end smoking in all bars and restaurants.
The exact reason for the raid was unclear, but the manufacturer told the SEC in a filing last month that the IRS believes it owed $2 billion more in taxes for the years 2010 to 2012 due to profits from its Swiss unit.
Vice President Mike Pence used a private email account to conduct public business as Indiana's governor, according to public records. The practice raises security questions, but doesn’t violate Indiana law.
Indiana health care consultant Seema Verma was approved by the Finance Committee on a 13-12 party-line vote.
The plan would be offered to teachers as an alternative to the current pension-style plan. Some fear the state eventually could try to phase out the latter.
Republican legislative leaders in Indiana are warning that repealing the Affordable Care Act could unravel a program for poor residents that Vice President Mike Pence implemented as governor.
Dan Coats sought to tamp down tensions between President Donald Trump and U.S. intelligence agencies, assuring former Senate colleagues at his confirmation hearing that he would act independently as director of national intelligence.
Republicans who control the Statehouse are deeply divided on how—or if—Indiana should move forward on a proposed expansion of a state-funded preschool program for low-income children.
The bill pares controversial regulations put in place during the previous two sessions of the Indiana General Assembly, which many believe went too far.
Former Indiana Sen. Dan Coats is likely to face tough questioning because President Donald Trump has nominated him to supervise the nation’s 17 intelligence agencies while they’re mired in explosive investigations.
Much of a financial incentive for installing solar panels would be eliminated in the coming years under a bill passed Monday by the Indiana Senate.
The 17-8 vote will put into place an income tax increase that will raise at least $54.4 million annually to fund major improvements to the city’s bus service.
House Ways and Means Chairman Tim Brown called the $31.4 billion budget an “honest appraisal of the money we have and the spending priorities we have going forward.”
To counter defense-spending increases, the president plans to propose corresponding cuts to domestic programs and foreign aid.
Daechang Seat Co. is seeking tax breaks from the city for its plans to invest $16.8 million in a production facility and establish a base of operations in America.
The owner of four IndyCar racing teams says the tax abatement would help offset costs related to a 40,000-square-foot addition the company wants to build at its northwest-side headquarters.
At least one lawmaker said that inaccurate testimony by Sen. Brandt Hershman during a recent Statehouse hearing led him to back a bill that would reduce financial incentives for installing solar panels.