
Proposal would move up online sales tax collection

Two lawmakers say they plan to introduce legislation in the new year that would require and other online-only retailers with a presence in Indiana to begin collecting sales tax on July 1, 2013, six months earlier than expected.

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New Indiana schools chief: GOP approval unnecessary

Indiana's new superintendent of public instruction, Democrat Glenda Ritz, said she can make some policy changes for the state's schools without needing the approval of the Republican-controlled General Assembly and governor's office.

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Cash-strapped post office tests same-day delivery

Emboldened by rapid growth in e-commerce shipping, the cash-strapped U.S. Postal Service is moving aggressively this holiday season to start a premium service for the Internet shopper seeking the instant gratification of a store purchase: same-day package delivery.

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Lawmaker seeks funding to tackle abandoned housing

State Rep. Ed Clere plans to introduce a bill that would give municipalities explicit powers to create land banks, which can sell surplus property for redevelopment. He also wants to include a revenue source to support land-bank operations and eliminate tax-foreclosure sales as a form of investor speculation.

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Bosma: Indiana Legislature needs another ‘odd couple’

House Speaker Brian Bosma used the ceremonial opening of Indiana's legislative session Tuesday to call for bipartisanship, even though Republicans now enjoy a supermajority that largely allows them to circumvent Democrats to push through their plans.

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SCHAFIR: Businesses face tough decisions over health care

Now that the election is over, it seems clearer that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, will likely move forward. The question is whether business owners will be able to steer their employees to state exchanges and wash their hands of health care coverage.

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Pence solidifies opposition to state exchange

Indiana Gov.-elect Mike Pence closed the door on a state-run health insurance exchange Thursday, arguing that the estimated $50 million cost of the state program was not worth the limited autonomy granted in return.

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