State proposes fines over Indy pool that sent 71 to hospital
Indy Parks and Recreation faces $14,250 in potential fines for safety issues at a pool where a chemical leak sent 71 people to the hospital in June.
Indy Parks and Recreation faces $14,250 in potential fines for safety issues at a pool where a chemical leak sent 71 people to the hospital in June.
A spokesman for Indiana Sen. Richard Lugar says the senator has been talking with some think tanks and universities about positions taking advantage of his long tenure as a leading member of the Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee.
Indiana Gov.-elect Mike Pence has ruled out building a state-run health insurance exchange but appears to be leaving open the option of running a joint venture with the federal government as a critical decision deadline draws near.
The campaign, Indy Connect Now, will urge state legislators to allow voters to decide whether to fund an expanded mass-transit system in the area.
Pence will travel to a meeting of the Republican Governors Association in Las Vegas and later to a training session for new governors being conducted in California.
Indiana House Speaker Brian Bosma is picking a new Ways and Means chairman with an eye on dealing with health care costs in the coming years.
A new report on Indiana's local income taxes urges state legislators to simplify a system that has seven types of taxes and a two-year lag before the money collected by the state is distributed to local governments.
The state's delegation to Capitol Hill will be its least experienced in many years, although those new members can bring new energy to Washington, D.C., a former longtime Indiana congressman said.
An INDOT spokesman said the state sometimes has to shell out more than the appraised value to encourage land owners to sell.
Joe Donnelly did everything he could to wrap himself in the image of U.S. Sen. Richard Lugar while painting Richard Mourdock as a tea party extremist.
New districts must be drawn up for council members, which gives Democrats a glimmer of hope that they might get a voice at the table.
Key Indiana legislators from both parties are looking at decriminalizing possession of small amounts of marijuana.
Greenfield officials are proposing new measures to relax the city’s strict sign standards in an effort to be more friendly to businesses.
The top state budget official under Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels has decided to move into an executive position with Indiana University Health when the governor's term ends in January.
House Democrats have chosen a pair of northern Indiana representatives to lead their rebuilding after their poor showing in Tuesday's elections.
Group plans full-time presence at Statehouse to guard against governor, Republican legislature rolling back environmental protections.
Election Day brought 24 new members to the House of Representatives. That huge freshman wave, plus the return of 18 reps who were newly elected in 2010, means 42 percent of the House will begin the 2013 session with two years of experience or less.
The new chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee and the GOP's top lieutenants on the panel will have the task of writing Indiana's next biennial budget during the 2013 session.
Indiana Senate Democrats have elected Tim Lanane to lead their 13-member caucus in General Assembly.
The Dow Jones industrial average plummeted as much as 369 points, or 2.8 percent, in the first two hours of trading. It recovered steadily in the afternoon, but slid into the close and ended down 313, its biggest point drop since this time last year.