Extra money for Carmel arts groups on hold
Carmel Mayor James Brainard's request for an additional $1.36 million in arts funding is lingering in a city council committee.
Carmel Mayor James Brainard's request for an additional $1.36 million in arts funding is lingering in a city council committee.
Mike Pence's Republican running mate, lieutenant governor nominee Sue Ellspermann, said Tuesday the state should do more to promote Indiana farm exports. She's also calling for a joint venture in developing new agriculture technology.
Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard’s office is reviewing proposals from five commercial property managers that want a crack at running the City-County Building for the next 30 years.
Questions remain whether Indiana’s governor will be covered by the state’s “revolving door” law when he becomes president of Purdue University. State ethics rules require a one year cool-down period for public officials after leaving office, preventing them from working as lobbyists.
Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels asked the three gubernatorial candidates this week for their input as he decides whether to establish a state health insurance exchange.
Technically, the Indiana governor’s race is wide open, but some deep-pocketed donors see Democrat John Gregg as a long shot. Gregg tripled his fundraising pace in the second quarter, but much of that was fueled by unions, rather than business groups and executives who’ve supported Democrats in the past.
Michael Huber, the city’s deputy mayor for economic development since March 2010, is stepping down to take a lead role in commercial development at Indianapolis International Airport. He’ll be replaced by Bond Bank director Deron Kintner.
Jane Henegar, who was Indianapolis' deputy mayor from 2000 to 2006 under then-Mayor Bart Peterson, is the new executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana.
Indiana gubernatorial candidates John Gregg and Mike Pence both want to help working Hoosiers, but on Tuesday proposed different ways to do it.
Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard’s staff received a collective 18-percent raise this spring following the hiring of a new deputy for education with an annual salary of $120,000.
With $2.2 billion in the bank, improving tax collections and extra tax refunds on their way to Hoosiers, it would be easy to assume Indiana’s leaders could coast for a while.
The Obama administration Thursday announced a partnership with the industry in which WellPoint Inc., UnitedHealth Group Inc. and other insurers may try to share more billing data with the government to root out fraud.
Cindy Hoye's life has revolved around fairs since she was a child growing up just 10 minutes from the Indiana State Fairgrounds, but for the past year, that lifelong love has been tainted by tragedy.
The $25.3 billion Indiana Public Retirement System is in the midst of hiring managers to carry out a strategy where more money will be in hedge funds, private equity and real estate than stocks.
Members of the state’s Democratic caucus voted to replace longtime leader Rep. Patrick Bauer on Thursday amid criticism over how he’s handled campaign fundraising and spending heading into the November elections. Rep. Linda Lawson of Hammond was chosen as his replacement.
Reform-minded Superintendent of Public Instruction draws contributions from across the country.
Indiana's Department of Child Services on Wednesday blamed a combination of low pay and job stress stemming from media coverage of the agency for an increasing turnover rate among child caseworkers.
House Minority Leader Patrick Bauer held a Statehouse news conference Wednesday amid reports his caucus would meet Thursday in Lafayette to vote to remove him as its leader.
Representatives of the accounting firm Deloitte told Indiana budget leaders their assessment of what needs to be audited could last through August. The audit itself could take months longer after that.
The plan to offer health-care benefits to domestic partners of Indianapolis city workers passed a City-County Council committee by a 7-0 vote on Tuesday. The full council could consider the measure as early as Aug. 13.