Wallace ends Indiana governor bid after ballot denial
Indianapolis businessman Jim Wallace has ended his longshot bid for the Republican nomination for governor after being denied a spot on the ballot.
Indianapolis businessman Jim Wallace has ended his longshot bid for the Republican nomination for governor after being denied a spot on the ballot.
The Indiana Senate voted 41-5 Thursday in favor of the bill giving the state Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission the power to regulate stages and other temporary structures.
For all the bluster a statewide smoking ban sparked at the beginning of the 2012 legislative session, the version Indiana lawmakers may end up approving seems little more than a wisp of smoke.
State senators allocated more state money for victims of the Indiana State Fair stage collapse and full-day kindergarten as part of a broad spending plan approved Wednesday.
Trucking fleets, already buckling under higher costs for insurance and fuel, are finding ways around new rules that nearly eliminate nitrogen oxides and particulate matter but also sent prices of new trucks soaring.
Indiana Supreme Court justices peppered attorneys with questions Wednesday during arguments to determine whether ousted Secretary of State Charlie White was ever a legal candidate for the office, and who gets to appoint his successor.
The Indiana Senate has approved a severely weakened smoking ban with exemptions for bars, casinos, tobacco stores and many other businesses.
Vop Osili, a Democrat who lost the 2010 secretary of state's race by 300,000 votes, says he still wants the job.
The Indiana House on Tuesday approved a 10-year phase-out of the state's inheritance tax that now brings in about $160 million a year.
Bars would be exempt from a proposed statewide smoking ban under a change approved by the Indiana Senate.
After five years, members of the Johnson County Council will need to decide whether to keep the wheel tax in place. The fee has collected more than $13.8 million total for local governments.
A union seeking to block Indiana's new right-to-work law is asking a federal judge to issue an emergency temporary restraining order to keep the state from enforcing the law.
Indiana senators are ready to begin tinkering with a proposal to ban smoking statewide in some private establishments.
Indiana's motorcycle dealers will be allowed to buy and sell their bikes on Sundays under a change in state law that legislators have approved.
All large, temporary outdoor stages like the one in last summer's deadly Indiana State Fair collapse would face temporary state inspection standards under a bill approved Monday by the Indiana House.
Budget leaders in the Indiana Legislature are nearing agreement on plans for phasing out the state's inheritance tax and changing the automatic taxpayer refund so that it could only be triggered every other year.
The Speedway Redevelopment Commission is threatening eminent domain against Clear Channel Outdoor Inc. because the billboard company won’t relinquish its lease rights at a key intersection.
Indiana is suing IBM for $437 million it paid the company to introduce call centers, document imaging and other automation to applications for food stamps, Medicaid and other public assistance programs.
U.S. Sen. Richard Lugar has breezed through every re-election since he first won federal office in 1976. And even though he has consistently voted from a house he hasn't owned since he left for Washington in 1977, questions about his residency lay dormant until just a few weeks ago.
The U.S. auto industry and Kokomo have staged an amazing comeback. But the resurrection of U.S. automakers has done little to resolve a deep political divide over the bailout.