Daniels rescinds crowd limits at Indiana Statehouse
Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels has rescinded new Statehouse security rules that put a 3,000-person limit on the number of people allowed in the building at any one time.
Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels has rescinded new Statehouse security rules that put a 3,000-person limit on the number of people allowed in the building at any one time.
A judge has ruled that Charlie White can remain as Indiana's secretary of state until a higher court has reviewed the ruling that ousted him from office.
One of the first bills that General Assembly committees will take up will be a right-to-work proposal that will draw union protests.
State officials vigorously defended a new 3,000-person Statehouse capacity limit on Tuesday, saying it was driven by public safety concerns and not by political motives as labor unions and other opponents maintain.
Indiana's Republican House leader said Tuesday that lawmakers will almost immediately take up right-to-work legislation that's likely to dominate much of the state's 2012 session.
State Sen. Luke Kenley is floating the idea of using an online sales tax to help replace revenue that wouldn't be collected if a proposal to eliminate the state's inheritance tax becomes law.
In a wide-ranging interview, Gov. Mitch Daniels discusses his goals for the General Assembly, which convenes Wednesday. Among them: Implement a statewide smoking ban, make Indiana a right-to-work state, and end what he calls “credit creep” for college students.
A Marion County judge issued an order Dec. 22 ousting Indiana Secretary of State Charlie White because he was improperly registered as a candidate when he ran for office in 2010.
A plan by Indiana officials to limit the number of people who can be inside the Statehouse at any given time has angered Indiana Democrats and union officials.
Construction on two new bridges costing $2.6 billion and spanning the Ohio River between Kentucky and Indiana could begin in late 2012, with the spans open before the end of the decade, Kentucky and Indiana officials said Thursday.
Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels and state job-creation officials will tackle Super Bowl weekend by entertaining corporate executives with the potential to bring more jobs to the state – but the governor has purchased his own ticket for the game.
The number of people ordering the specialty tags declined after the team started losing.
On Dec. 21, the Federal Aviation Administration issued a final rule addressing fatigue among passenger-airline pilots.
Gov. Mitch Daniels will push for more money for victims of the Indiana State Fair stage collapse, but lawmakers will have to decide how much.
Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels is placing his early endorsement of a company that plans to make giant mobile LED screens on a list of mistakes he keeps in his office.
Indiana officials say a drug-testing program that started in July for people seeking job training has led to about 2 percent of applicants failing.
A central Indiana city's mayor has resigned with less than a week left to go in his term. Anderson Mayor Kris Ockomon submitted his resignation at a safety board meeting Monday.
Before he changed his mind, Dan Parker’s decision to step down as party chairman was seen by many as an opportunity to find fresh blood to lead Democrats through fights to win back the governor's office and a U.S. Senate seat next year.
Tea Party supporters that helped the Republicans win a U.S. House majority last year also prevented the party from taking control of the Senate and could do it again in 2012, Senator Richard Lugar said.
Attorney General Greg Zoeller isn't waiting for the Indiana Recount Commission to ask for an appeal of a judge's order throwing out Republican Secretary of State Charlie White's election.