
Proposed Broad Ripple parking garage gets zoning OK

The controversial project is a $15 million, three-story garage that the city of Indianapolis will subsidize with $6.3 million in parking meter revenue. The project also features a retail component, which neighbors say will lead to increased traffic.

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Parker resigning as state Democratic Party chairman

Dan Parker said Monday morning that he will step down as chairman of the Indiana Democratic Party after a seven-year tenure that included big political highs—including President Barack Obama’s 2008 victory in the state—but recent lows as well.

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Mayors back transit tax hike in Marion, Hamilton counties

Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard, Carmel Mayor Jim Brainard say more local transit options are needed despite the steep cost. A ballot referendum would be required so voters could consider a 0.3-percent income-tax increase to pay for a $1.3 billion project.

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Complex accounts made it easy for state to miss $320M

Indiana House and Senate Democrats say they want an investigation into how the money went missing for so long. They submitted a letter to the state's budget forecasting committee requesting an independent audit of the state's finances.

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DeLaney calls for action to boost safety at convenience stores

State Rep. Ed DeLaney, an Indianapolis Democrat, said at a Wednesday morning press conference that he has asked the Indiana Department of Labor to convene a forum about worker safety with police, convenience store operators, Department of Labor officials and other interested parties.

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Indiana offers $300K to stage-collapse victims

The state is offering at least $300,000 to families of each of the seven people who died after a stage collapsed at the Indiana State Fair, with more available for those whose loved ones spent days hospitalized before their deaths, Attorney General Greg Zoeller said Tuesday.

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Quayle to endorse Romney in presidential race

Quayle's endorsement helps illustrate establishment GOP backing for Romney, who has been trying to consolidate support among party stalwarts despite repeated challenges from conservative alternatives.

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Eight Indiana mail centers targeted for closure

Eight Indiana mail-processing centers in Indiana, including a newly identified one in Columbus, are among 252 nationwide the U.S. Postal Service has proposed closing beginning next April in a cost-cutting move.

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Carmel also likely competing for CME Group

A letter from Carmel Mayor Jim Brainard to a company that fits the Chicago Mercantile Exchange’s description says the Indianapolis suburb is prepared to offer $150 million in incentives in return for 1,700 high-paying jobs.

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Rolls-Royce tax-incentives deal set for hearing

A plan to offer a 10-year tax abatement worth $23 million for Rolls-Royce Corp. to redevelop two plants on the west side and move thousands of office workers into downtown’s Faris campus is scheduled for an initial hearing Wednesday.

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