
Indiana exports hit annual record

The state shipped $28.7 billion in goods last year to foreign countries, including Canada, Mexico and Germany, which accounted for most of the demand, according to a report from the Indiana University Kelley School of Business.

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Official says feds got Indiana error rate wrong

Indiana makes a lot of errors on unemployment insurance benefits, the White House and U.S. Labor Department said Wednesday, but the state official overseeing those payments said federal officials are making mistakes of their own.

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Critics: Patent overhaul could hurt startups

When the Senate passed legislation last week overhauling the U.S. patent system, large multinational corporations like Eli Lilly and Co. rejoiced. But small-business advocates cried foul, saying the changes would put innovative startups at a disadvantage.

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Fair trustee settles with local political groups

The settlements involve donations made by Tim Durham totaling $60,000 to the Marion County Republican Central Committee, Greater Indianapolis Republican Finance Committee and the Committee to Elect Lawrence Mayor Paul Ricketts.

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Mourdock could benefit from climate regulations

Indiana Treasurer Richard Mourdock has campaigned heavily against measures to combat climate change even as he holds stock in an energy company that's banking on those regulations to help build a market for its product.

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Former City-County Councilor’s trial gets under way

An attorney for Lincoln Plowman, a former City-County Council member on trial for attempted extortion, says his client was seeking payment for his services, not soliciting a bribe from an undercover agent posing as a strip-club operator.

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