
Planned Parenthood defunding blocked

Planned Parenthood of Indiana expects to resume offering services to Medicaid patients following a judge's ruling that the state is not allowed to cut off the organization's public funding for general health services solely because it also provides abortions.

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Recount panel to decide White case Tuesday

The Indiana Recount Commission will decide Tuesday whether Republican Secretary of State Charlie White is eligible to hold office amid allegations that he incorrectly used his ex-wife's address for his voter registration.

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State elections chief tells commission he didn’t lie

Indiana Secretary of State Charlie White painted a picture of himself as a man with a complicated personal life that led him to use dual addresses but he denied ever providing false information as he defended himself Tuesday against voter fraud allegations.

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Planned Parenthood stops seeing Medicaid patients

Planned Parenthood of Indiana is no longer seeing Medicaid patients because a federal judge hasn't ruled yet on its attempt to block a new Indiana law cutting funding for certain abortion providers, officials said Monday.

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White blames transient time for voting allegations

Indiana Secretary of State Charlie White on Tuesday is expected to paint a picture of a man with a complicated personal life who was essentially without a home for nearly a year when he defends himself against voter fraud allegations.

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Towing companies sue city over contracts

The plaintiffs claim the city violated the bid process by awarding contracts to companies that didn’t meet the requirements. They’re asking for an injunction to prevent the contracts from taking effect.

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State’s jobless rate holds steady at 8.2 percent

Indiana’s unemployment rate remained unchanged in May from the previous month. Because the rate has been at or below 8.5 percent for three consecutive months, the state is no longer eligible for a portion of extended unemployment benefits.

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UIndy launches $7.5M campaign for civic leadership institute

The Institute for Civic Leadership & Mayoral Archives will house a collection of official documents, correspondence, speeches, photos, audiotapes and other artifacts from the administrations of four Indianapolis mayors: Dick Lugar, Bill Hudnut, Steve Goldsmith and Bart Peterson.

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