Indiana House speaker offers two Democrats committee chairs
New Republican Indiana House Speaker Brian Bosma says he’s serious about seeking bipartisan support in the upcoming legislative session.
New Republican Indiana House Speaker Brian Bosma says he’s serious about seeking bipartisan support in the upcoming legislative session.
Jesse Kharbanda, executive director of the Hoosier Environmental Council, said the new Legislature will make it more challenging to sell environmental initiatives mainly because there are more than two dozen freshmen lawmakers he and others will have to court.
City-County Council members voted 15-14 Monday night to clear the way for Indianapolis to lease its parking meters to a private firm, a move proponents say will upgrade the system even as it generates revenue for infrastructure improvements.
Looking at the final years of the Great Depression tells me that next year might not be so kind to investors.
At 78, L. Gene Tanner is one of the longest-serving investment advisers working in Indianapolis. Tanner spoke with IBJ's Norm Heikens about why he shifted to City Securities, his brush with convicted Ponzi scheme operator Bernard Madoff, and how his investment strategy has changed.
Indiana University’s James Madison is “marginally optimistic” Americans have the fortitude to tackle what could grow to become an emergency ranking with the Civil War, the Great Depression and World War II.
A statewide ban on smoking in all public places may have the momentum it needs to finally pass the Indiana General Assembly in 2011 after four unsuccessful attempts.
Pharmaceutical firms led by Eli Lilly are trying to eliminate a government panel aimed at controlling Medicare spending seven months after they supported the health-care overhaul that created it.
Indianapolis' City-County Council could vote Monday night on its proposed 50-year agreement with Xerox Co.’s Affiliated Computer Services, which was revised after public outcry over the original proposal.
Election night victories for Indiana Republicans have paved the way for a major education overhaul that could affect thousands of students, teachers and parents and fundamentally change the way schools work in Indiana.
Imagine a future in which Indiana school districts bid up salaries for star teachers to $100,000 or more to develop a district specialty in a field like science or math, and cause students to excel.
Sarah Palin is the most polarizing of the potential 2012 Republican presidential candidates, while Mitch Daniels is one of the least recognized, a new survey finds.
A federal audit recommends that Indiana's human services agency refund the federal government nearly $39 million it overpaid to Medicaid providers during a nine-year period.
Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels has accepted the resignation of Family and Social Services Administration Secretary Anne Murphy and has appointed the agency’s chief of staff, Michael Gargano, to replace her.
Gov. Mitch Daniels has accepted the resignation of Indiana Alcohol & Tobacco Commission Chairman P. Thomas Snow.
Democrats lost 12 House seats, two congressmen and a U.S. senator, and the party failed to win any of three state offices.
Some say lower-quality service would result from Family and Social Services Administration changes that require independent therapists to work for agencies.
Republican Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels says politicians thinking about the next election in 2012 should "stifle" themselves for a while.
The city put up $25 million for the hotel, restaurant and condo development at the corner of Washington and Illinois streets, including $3.75 million in exchange for the economic equivalent of an 8-percent stake.
In Utah, employers can give each of their workers a specific amount of money to apply toward health insurance. The worker then can use that money to choose from the 66 plans in the health insurance exchange.